KaiserRushforth Ltd.

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Green Lane

"KaiserRushforth Ltd is a company dedicated to miniature figures and innovative storage solutions. We carry out all design and testing in-house for our cases. We manufacture and sell only our own products.

"Whether you are a new gamer wanting to fund an ever increasing army and still carry and store your current one safely, or the more mature one whose better half wants those window sills and dining tables back, the KR Multicase is the perfect solution. Try one today!

"Our products range from the sturdy card cases, bespoke alumnium cases and reinforced waterproof fabric bags to carry the card cases. A single case like the KRMN4 has 160 compartments over four foam trays providing exceptional carrying/storage capacity. We have a large range of precut or pick&pluck foam trays as well as card trays too. Precut trays are ideal for single figures, and our 'segmented pick&pluck' range for those large vehicles and models.

"The variable compartment size along with the wide range of trays and cases makes it ideally suited for all miniature wargaming and table top gaming figures. The full range from 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, and 28mm are all well catered for.

"We have a range of cases from the card either as a stand alone case or in conjunction with the Kaiser system, or the options of alumnium cases in 3 sizes too.

"The overall size of the KR Multicase is exceptionally compact at only 400mm x 270mm x 120mm. They are easily stackable and so storing your armies is a piece of cake. That coupled with the ease of decorating them means that you can identify the contents easily - no more searching through endless cases! You can colour them, stencil them, write on them, even stick a picture of your army on them! Make yours unique, it doesn’t have to look like everyone elses!

"They provide superb storage for paints and accessories too.

"The original KR Multicase is made from KLC heavy duty solid card (not as some people suspect, cheap corrugated card) and as such is very durable and incredibly protective. The tray inserts are made from either foam or medium density corrugated card as this is easy to modify and both provide a soft surface for the figures. Having trialed many foam grades we have selected one which provides the softest and most forgiving surface for figures and vehicles, yet provides the full support needed for your miniatures. How often do you get broken and bent swords and spears etc with foam which is too stiff?

"The wrap-around lid provides all-round protection, and the injection-moulded plastic handle forms the snaplock for the Multicase to provide a securely closed case. This ensures the contents are safe from spilling out and can be transported with ease. If in doubt just take a look at the 'testing' page on our website.

"Visit our website for more information and ordering."


"Credit cards, Debit cards, PayPal, UK sterling cheques and postal orders."

This entry last updated on 1 October 2019

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