Hasslefree Miniatures

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"HF is owned by Kevin and Sally White, and was established in January 2004.

Over the last 20 years, Kev has sculpted for many companies within the industry, including Privateer Press, Dark Ages and Mike McVey, alongside his work for Hasslefree.

"Our figure ranges are diverse and cover everything from traditional fantasy through to horror and pop-culture-inspired sci-fi. Although predominantly a 28mm scale manufacturer, we also produce some 40mm scale figures. The majority of our figure ranges are white-metal-based, but over recent years, we have added to and increased our resin production in both scales.

"Our website is divided into three main sections: Miniatures, Accessories and Armoury. The Accessories section covers everything from magnetic basing to decals to basing sand and Steampunk parts. The Armoury has a broad selection of both fantasy and sci-fi weapons, including modern military issue, as well as movie-inspired weapons.

"We try our hardest to make everything run as smoothly as possible, and pride ourselves on our customer service which is known to be one of the best in the industry. We don't always get it right (nobody does!), but if we make a mistake, we rectify it as best as we can.

"We have two Bonus Time sales each year, that are run in July and December.

"We ship worldwide through our webstore, with a fair-pricing policy that charges shipping cost based upon the packaged weight of the order."


"Our secure server facility is provided by SagePay, and handles payments for all major credit cards (including Amex) and also PayPal."


"We do have a small network of trusted retailers both online and in 'Bricks and Mortar' shops. If your local retailer doesn't stock us, we can still supply special orders.

"Our main USA retailers/distributors are Warpath Games and CMON. In Europe, our main retailer is Battlefield Berlin in Germany and Wayland Games in the U.K.

This entry last updated on 29 September 2021

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