Hamlet Models

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Address180, Twickenham Road
Kingstanding, Birmingham
West Midlands
0121-605-4905 [evenings only]

"Hamlet Models is a company that has been formed to specialise in a range of military and wargaming booklets at a competitive price. The author has been a wargamer and avid reader of military history for almost thirty years covering most periods from Ancient through English Civil War, Napoleonic, WWI, WWII and on to Modern, Science Fiction and Fantasy.

"The intention is to write about a wide range of the lesser-known military periods and to cover differing aspects or theatres of some of the larger conflicts. This latter is especially true of the Second World War. All of the booklets are thoroughly researched using, wherever possible, eyewitness accounts or other contemporary material. If this has not been possible for any reason then the most authoritative and/or informative sources that are available to the author have been consulted. Each historical booklet - apart from the WW I Orbat Series- has a comprehensive Bibliography at the end so that if required, the reader may conduct his own research.

"All maps are hand drawn and as such are intended to give the reader a more general - but nevertheless reasonably accurate - angle of perspective on the events that occurred in relation to the surrounding area. There is usually at least one with each campaign, scenario or battle publication.

"The scenarios have all been written to a formula and include sections on background, an account of the battle, wargames map, troops involved, special conditions or notes, and initial positions. The Orbats section contains information for both sides in two formats. One is the actual order of the troops and the other is a wargames order that uses the most popular ruleset of the period concerned i.e. DBM for Ancients and Rapid Fire for WW II. This does not preclude the use of other sets of rules because wherever possible, the numbers involved are documented."


  • Ancients
    • Manzikert booklet
  • Medieval
    • Mongol booklets and scenarios
  • Renaissance
    • booklets for Kircholm (Swedish-Polish War), English Civil War; Hundred Years War scenarios
  • Napoleonic
    • historical booklets
  • American Civil War
    • historical booklets
  • Colonial
    • Russo-Japanese War booklets and scenarios
  • WWI
    • historical booklets, orders of battle, scenarios
  • WWII
    • historical booklets and scenarios (including naval)

"We can only accept postal orders or cheques made out to 'Mr A M Sayce' in £ sterling."

This entry last updated on 24 January 2016

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