Gomi Designs

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Address42 Anderson Close
Needham Market, Ipswich

Publisher of Mecha Carnage (science fiction/robots) and Ball & Chain (skirmish-level fantasy - out of print).

Manufactures a line of 15mm WWI vehicles.

"Gomi Designs is a small company formed by my brother, myself and our friend Dave Garnham to produce quality small press games. That is miniatures wargames rules, RPG rules and hopefully supplementary materials in an A5 booklet format produced in small runs (less than 250 copies a time) but to a professional standard.

"We started Gomi Designs because we wanted to publish materials that gamers like us would want to buy, could afford to try and wouldn't be embarassed to be seen with! Of course we also wanted to get our own names into print (after all we're all just a little bit vain aren't we), but we are already becoming involved in helping other people get their projects into print at prices they can afford."

The 25mm aliens formerly in the Abduction Miniatures line are now produced by Ground Zero Games.

This entry last updated on 14 March 2011

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