Game Designers Workshop

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Also known as GDW. No longer in business. The final press release:

It is no secret that GDW has been financially stressed for quite some time. It has now reached the point where it will not be possible to continue to do business. GDW will be closing its doors on Feb 29th, 1996.

We appreciate the loyal support that you - the gamers, retail stores, and distributors - have given to us. We will do our best to see that our game lines are continued with companies that will take to heart the needs of the gamers who have supported our lines for so long. Thank you for supporting us for the last 22 years.


Miniatures rules, as well as many science-fiction and wargaming boardgames, role-playing games.

Succeeded by Far Future Enterprises.

This entry last updated on 3 July 2015

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