Cromwell Models

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Address6/6 The Quadrangle
57 Ruchill Street
Glasgow, Scotland
Phone+44 (0) 141 942 8596

Resin figures and vehicles.

  • 1:35 scale - WWII and modern
  • 1:76 scale -
    • WWII (Belgian, British, Canadian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Rumanian Soviet, U.S.)
    • Modern (British, Israeli, Japanese, South African, Soviet, Swedish, U.S.)
  • 120mm scale - ACW and Wild West

"Our aim is to produce high quality kits which are accurate, well detailed and simple to build, thereby appealing to novice and experienced modellers alike."

"Cromwell Models was founded in November 1985, following a request from a number of resin manufacturers, to assist them. The range, at that time, comprised four 1:76 scale AFV kits! In 1989 we released our first complete 1:35 scale kit - a Cromwell Mk. VII (what else?). The rest, as they say, is history! Over the last twelve years we have improved our casting techniques, and set new standards for the hobby. The question 'How do they do that?' is one that crops up again and again in reviews of our kits. The fact that we produce almost completely in resin is a reflection of our commitment to this material and its properties. We believe that resin is the only material capable of reproducing the fine detail which marks out a superior kit. Recognising this, and despite the higher production cost, we will continue to produce kits using the best quality high definition resins."


"We accept orders via the telephone (we have a 24 hour ansaphone service), fax, e-mail and snail mail. Payment should be in one of the following forms:

  • Cheque in £ sterling drawn against a UK bank;
  • Postal Order (UK only);
  • International Money Order in £ sterling;
  • Cheques and bank drafts drawn against non UK banks, or in overseas currency, please add £5.00 equivalent to cover bank charges;
  • Credit card - we accept Mastercard and Visa"
North America
This entry last updated on 29 April 2009

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