Brigade Models

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Address15, Arundel Avenue
Sittingbourne, Kent
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Celtos - 28mm Celtic Fantasy featuring over 250 models in five races, plus rules

Great War models - a comprehensive range of 28mm Belgian models from 1914, including infantry, cavalry and even dog carts!

Aeronef - 1:1200th scale Victorian Science Fiction flying battleships to complement Wessex Games' rules. Over 150 models in 17 fleets, plus merchant ships and fixed-wing aircraft.

Land Ironclads - 1:1200th scale VSF land units including giant steam landships and tiny scurrying tanks. For Wessex Games' rules, battles can also be fought in conjunction with Aeronef.

Starships - 140 1:3000th scale models in nine fleets, including two alien fleets plus merchant ships. We also stock Majestic 12's Starmada rules with a special edition featuring our models.

6mm Science Fiction - almost 200 detailed 6mm models in eight armies from Wessex Games' Iron Cow background, plus Cimexian bug aliens.

15mm Science Fiction - a range of 50 15mm SF models scaled up from the Iron Cow 6mm range.

Iron Stars - a small range of 1:1200th aether starships for Majestic 12 Games' rules.

Accessories - a comprehensive range of dice, flying stands and bases for all of our ranges.

'Small Scale Scenery - a range of 1/1000th scale buildings and fortifications for naval, aircraft or 2mm land games'

'Shapeways Store - a growing range of 3D printed items across a variety of periods and genres, mostly items that are hard to manufacture conventionally, such as single-piece power pylons and radio masts'

'Magpie Miniatures - a small range of cute and quirky 28mm fantasy figures sculpted by Cindy Dukino'

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"We have a full shopping cart system on our website that accepts payments via credit or debit cards, or PayPal (credit cards are processed via PayPal but you do not need a PayPal account). Alternatively, you can send orders by post with your credit card details or a cheque."

This entry last updated on 11 July 2022

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