"Flames Of War range of 15mm (1:100 scale) WW2 miniatures and terrain.
"Team Yankee range of 15mm (1:100 scale) Cold War miniatures and terrain.
"Publishers of the Flames of War, Team Yankee and Tanks rules and supplements.
"Gale Force 9 is a subsidiary of the Battlefront Group and include the Battlefield in a Box product range of terrain, as well as licensed products for Dungeons and Dragons and a range of Boardgames."
Battlefront is also a game distributor and importer/exporter in New Zealand. The original company was Military Miniatures of New Zealand, which in 1997 merged with a retailer/distributor to form Crusader Distributors. Then the distributor and retailer operations were sold off (2000), and the company became Battlefront.
These product lines have been discontinued:
- 15mm scale New Zealand Wars Maori figures (sold to Wildly Inspired)
- 25mm Medieval
- 25mm French Napoleonic (molds destroyed)
- 15mm Napoleonics
- 15mm Jacobite Rebellion (Dave Allsop)
- 15mm Fontenoy Period (Dave Allsop)
- 1/300 Scale Resin-Cast Scenic Items (molds destroyed)