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Also known as VEB Plasticart. No longer in business.

Also known as "VEB Plasticart" ('VEB' being a Communist-era designation, meaning Volkseigener Betrieb - "company owned by the people" or state-owned).

Produced plastic kits in the former East Germany in the 1950's, the first kits being an IL-14 and Baade 152. The first kits varied in scale between 1/50 and 1/150. The company then switched to producing civilian airliner and military aircraft kits in 1/100 scale. In the 1980's, the company ventured into 1/72 scale production.

At the end of the Communist era, some of these kits were taken on by Revell, while others were produced under the Master Model label. According to the 24 April 1999 (#34) issue of Heli-Kit News, "Another Polish company, Wojas?, is re-releasing some or all of the 1:100 scale VEB Plasticart range which originally included the Mi-1, Mi-4, Mi-6, Mi-10K, and Yak-24."

This entry last updated on 28 January 2000

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