Cellmate Miniatures

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No longer in business.

AddressATTN: Tod Zechiel
1888 Eloise Cove Drive
Winter Haven, Florida
Products15mm Boxer Rebellion figures (Russian, Japanese, British, Chinese). Also publishes painting guides and Tuan rules for the Boxer Rebellion.

"While trying not to sound apologetic, allow me to inform you of the nature of the miniatures. I am an amateur sculpturer, and the figures are gravity cast as opposed to centrifically cast. The figures are therefore of moderate quality. They tend to be thick and simple, with less detail than other manufacture's figures. They tend to have a more pronounced parting line or seam, and larger sprues. You need, as a minimum, a sharp exacto knife to remove the excess metal. A tapered, flat, needle file is even better. To reduce cost, the figures contain lead. If you are not satisfied with the miniatures, I have a 90% refund policy if the figures are returned within 30 days after I ship the order.

"First time customers receive a complimentary Singing Fat Lady. She is great for placing on the gaming table when you or your team concedes defeat."
PaymentCheck or money order
This entry last updated on 24 October 2014

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