Magazines for Wargamers
This is a sub-listing of magazines which may be of interest to the wargaming community.
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| | General wargaming magazine. |
| | General wargaming magazine |
| | The most widely circulated English language magazine in the world that is totally dedicated to historical figure modeling - read in over 40 countries and every state in the U.S. |
| | General wargaming magazine. |
| | C20th wargaming in all its forms - land, sea and air; all periods 1900 - present, any scale, any rules. |
| | Wargames Illustrated is a monthly magazine for the historical tabletop wargamer. Packed each month with over a dozen articles covering almost as many periods, it contains ideas for gaming scenarios, painting, and terrain building. |
| | Free, full-color magazine devoted to historical gaming.
| | Historical boardgaming magazine with games in every issue |