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18th Century
American Civil War
19th Century
World War One
World War Two on the Land
Toy Gaming

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Horse, Foot and Guns

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Stan Johansen Miniatures' Painting Service

A happy customer writes to tell us about a painting service...

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The 95th Rifles from Alban Miniatures

Warcolours Painting Studio Fezian does his research, selects his colors, and goes forth!

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Crafter's Square Scoring Tool

This tool makes it easier to fold paper.

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6,607 hits since 24 Feb 2021
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Brian Carrick's resource for collectors, modellers and wargamers of 54mm figures. The purpose of the site is to show the wide diversity of toy soldiers that have been manufactured worldwide in a variety of different materials. Included are book reviews and images of the toy soldiers.

Submitted by TMP staff.