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Links Directory

This is the part of the website where we share links to other websites of interest to our readers.

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Areas of Interest

18th Century
American Civil War
19th Century
World War One
World War Two on the Land

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Fire and Steel

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star 

Featured Showcase Article

Fighting 15's Teutonic Order Command 1410

Command figures for the 1410 Teutonics.

Featured Workbench Article

Painting Battle Honour's NKVD Command

We may be sending these WWII Russian figures off to Vancouver for painting, but they'll eventually reach Thailand - because that's where DJD Miniatures conducts operations...

Featured Profile Article

4,101 hits since 26 Mar 2021
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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"Encyclopedia Virginia’s mission is to provide a free, reliable, multimedia resource that tells the inclusive story of Virginia for students, teachers, and communities who seek to understand how the past informs the present and the future. A project of Virginia Humanities in partnership with the Library of Virginia."
Historical Reference

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