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A Fistful of Kung Fu

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Adder Combat Cars in the Magrav

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian paints two Adder Combat Cars as support vehicles for his Magrav force in Age of Madness.

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First Look: Dream Pod 9's Northern Army Box

Want to know what's inside this Heavy Gear: Blitz! starter set?

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2,062 hits since 20 May 2021
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

"I played a quick game of the Last Drifters the other day, this time I decided to run a quick two lap race, so I got four basic cars out on a small oval track and got the race under way. It was fast and furious, with lots of action and some great driving and some bad dice rolling!!"
Publication Date
21 May 2021
Lonely Gamer
Little Wargaming Worlds
Battle Reports, Blog Article

Submitted by Lonely Gamer