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19th Century

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The von Reisswitz Kriegsspiel

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star 

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More 15mm Boxers from Cellmate

Tod gives us another look at his "old school" Boxer Rebellion figures.

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First Look: Barrage's 28mm Streets & Sidewalks

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian looks at some new terrain products, which use space age technology!

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Featured Book Review

1,902 hits since 24 Mar 2021
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

"The 21st Imperial Russian Frontier Guard Company is sent to interdict smugglers in Russian territory near the border of Afghanistan... or is it Russian territory? The map says so! It was agreed that the Amu Darya River would form the border between Afghanistan and the Russian empire. Unfortunately the Pamir Boundary Commission did not adequately survey the Amu Darya river and there was no clear boundary between Russia, Afghanistan, and some of the Princely States of India to include the Princely State of Chaimbellistan..."
Publication Date
20 March 2021
Dining Room Battles
Toy Soldiers and Dining Room Battles
Battle Reports, Blog Article

Submitted by Dining Room Battles