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Amazon's Santa with Gun Pack

You wanted more photos of the Santa Claws Gang? Here is Santa and two of his companions.

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Dreamblade Repainted

Hundvig Fezian is not a real big fan of pre-painted minis, and he positively despises randomly-packed "collectable" ones - so why is he writing this article?

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First Look: GF9's 15mm Arnhem House

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian examines another pre-painted building for WWII.

Featured Movie Review

1,188 hits since 30 Apr 2021
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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"The Department of the Navy is pursuing a new class of light amphibious warships that will be key to future operations in the Indo-Pacific region as the sea services work to counter China, experts say. But the platforms may need more defensive capabilities than some envision."
Publication Date
23 April 2021
National Defense
Military Analysis

Submitted by arealdeadone