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Glossary provides definitions for uncommon wargaming or military history terms.

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Wargamer "slang" term referring to the Emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte [pl. "Nappies" refers to the Napoleonic genre of wargaming]. Offensive to some*, because it is also the English/Irish/Australian/New Zealand term for the American word 'diaper' (i.e., babies underclothes). Note: it also refers to tightly coiled or curled hair. Nappy has many meanings:

*Considered to be a somewhat childish diminutive, rather than offensive, by some others. And, a term of affection for the little Corsican Ogre. laugh

Original definition 30 December 2010 3:08 AM by Arteis.

Last revised 9 January 2011 8:44 AM by Condottiere.