Find another player! Location is written in the form of country, state, county. Example: USA, Arizona, Pima or UK, England, Cumbria Games is the text you are searching for in the players' game descriptions. Supporting Members can use advanced searching syntax when making their queries. If you enter a series of words - separated with spaces - the search will find all items which include all of those words, in any order. For example, 15mm romans will find all items which include either word, including such items as "15mm Imperial Romans" and "Roman Camp in 15mm". If you are looking for a phrase, use double-quotes so that the search uses the entire phrase. For example, a search for "15mm romans" will only find those items which use that exact phrase. If you are looking for any of several possible words, use the special term OR in the search. For example, a search for "15mm roman" OR "15mm greek" will find items which include either of the two phrases. (OR must be in capital letters, surrounded by spaces. The special symbol | may also be substituted.) Parentheses can be used to organize your logic. For example, let's say that you want to find all items about goblins in WHFB, but sometimes people just say Warhammer instead of using the initials. So you could search for goblins (WHFB OR Warhammer) and find all items that include goblins and either WHFB or Warhammer. (If you leave the parentheses out, you'll find all topics that include both goblins and WHFB, or any items which include Warhammer - not the same thing!) To exclude a word or phrase from your search, use the - (minus) operator. For example, let's say you want to read about any civil war other than the American Civil War. You could search for civil war -american – that will find all items which include "civil" and "war", but which don't include "american." Back to the Homepage Areas of InterestGeneralFeatured Hobby News ArticleFeatured LinkFeatured RulesetFeatured Showcase Article155,492 hits since 22 May 2007 |
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