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The da Vinci Jr. 1.0 3D Printer: Unboxing & Test Print

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian unpacks and sets up an inexpensive 3D printer, and prints a test object.

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2,235 hits since 24 Jun 2021
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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The Workbench

What is the TMP Workbench?
It's the part of TMP where we run articles showing people painting, building or making hobby-related items, located here.
So your articles are written by only the world's best painters?
Not necessarily. We try to feature a range of talent, and not every miniature in a wargame needs to be painted to perfection.
Why don't you run more articles on [fill in the blank]?
Email or PM me, and we'll add that to our ideas list.

Writing for the Workbench

Can I write a Workbench article?
Maybe - drop me a PM or an email, and we'll talk.
Does TMP pay for Workbench articles?
If the author desires, we can offer payment in advertising credit, Supporting Membership credit, or cash via PayPal.
How much do you pay?
It depends on the project, and whether or not TMP is commissioning an assignment as part of the article. We usually ask the author to propose a price, and then we negotiate.
So, say I want to paint for Workbench - what next?
Let me know what your general interests are, and we'll see what we have that you might be interested in. For instance, if you tell us that you only do 28mm WWII, then we'll look for those kinds of projects.
And when I find a project I want to do for you?
Then you name your price, we strike a bargain, and we ship the figure(s)/model(s)/whatever out to you.
How should I send the article to you?
Email works best. Send the article in any normal text format (plain text, email text, MS Word format, PDF), but do not place pictures in the article. Instead, put notes where you want the photos and what the photo captions should be. Send the photos as email attachments.
When do I get paid?
When the project is finished, and the Workbench article submitted.
What happens to the Workbench items after the article is published?
Generally speaking, painted items go into the TMP vaults for use with future website projects that we can't talk about yet...
Can I plug my painting service in the article?
If you have a painting service, we usually mention that at the start of the article. You can mention it again at the close of the article, if you want.

Manufacturers & Workbench

I'm a manufacturer, and I want to see my products featured in Workbench. What do I do?
Contact us by email or PM, and we'll provide the shipping address.
And that guarantees getting a Workbench article?
Yes, unless there is some kind of rare problem, like an author disappearing on us.
And the published article will appear in your sidebar?
Yes, in genre-appropriate places on our website (i.e., ACW articles appear on ACW pages). It is almost like a free advertisement!
Sidebar example
For example, here is a 19th Century Hobby News story, and the sidebar features a 19th Century/fantasy workbench article.