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7,784 hits since 24 Mar 2005
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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When I see prices on this website, they are usually followed by three little blue letters. What's that all about?
Those letters indicate which currency the price is in. For instance, USD is United States Dollars, and GBP is Great Britain Pounds.
Sample prices from a Hobby News story
What are all the currencies codes used at TMP?
The currency abbreviations are:
AEDU.A.E. Dirham
ARSArgentine Peso
AUDAustralian Dollar
BHDBahrain Dinar
BNDBrunei Dollar
BRLBrazilian Real
BWPBotswana Pula
CADCanadian Dollar
CHFSwiss Franc
CLPChilean Peso
CNYChinese Yuan
COPColombian Peso
CYPCyprus Pound
CZKCzech Koruna
DKKDanish Krone
GBPU.K. Pound Sterling
HUFHungarian Forint
IDRIndonesian Rupiah
ILSIsraeli New Sheqel
INRIndian Rupee
IRRIranian Rial
ISKIcelandic Krona
JPYJapanese Yen
KRWKorean Won
KWDKuwaiti Dinar
LKRSri Lanka Rupee
LYDLibyan Dinar
MTLMaltese Lira
MURMauritian Rupee
MXNMexican Peso
MYRMalaysian Ringgit
NOKNorwegian Krone
NPRNepalese Rupee
NZDNew Zealand Dollar
OMROmani Rial
PKRPakistan Rupee
PLNPolish Zloty
QARQatar Riyal
SARSaudi Arabian Riyal
SEKSwedish Krona
SGDSingapore Dollar
SITSlovenian Tolar
THBThai Baht
TTDTrinidad and Tobago Dollar
USDU.S. Dollar
VEBVenezuelan Bolivar
ZARSouth African Rand
Wow! Do you expect me to memorize all those codes?
You don't need to - when you see a code in a price, just place your cursor over the code, and a tool tip will pop up, explaining what the code stands for.
Sample tool tip for a currency abbreviation
But I need prices in my own currency, not some foreign currency!
When you see a foreign price, just place your cursor over the price this time, and you will see the amount converted to U.S. dollars.
Sample tool tip for a currency conversion
That's cool.
Thanks. Now, try it yourself - $100 USD, £100.00 GBP, €100.00 EUR...
What if I'm not from the U.S.?
U.S. dollars are the default setting, but in your membership settings you can choose which currency you want as your preferred currency. The conversions will then appear in your chosen currency.