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Eureka Amazon Army Design Contest Entries

This page lists one of the Contest entries.

Voting Results

TMP readers voted for each category on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 was the best. The final score is the sum of the three ratings, with the army vision rating weighted double.

Army vision7.32
Tactical effectiveness7.05

Back to Eureka Amazon Army Design Contest

1,038 hits since 29 Sep 2008
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Wyatt the Odd's Contest Entry

Amazon Army Design

Not for the first time did Myrine yearn for the cool breezes flowing off the blue waters of her homeland as she gazed across the shifting sands that scattered every which way – much like the alliances in this foreign land. Yet it was here that her Goddess had sent her and her warband. Like her sisters before her, she had gathered able companions and set out for the Outlands to prove her worth as a commander in the Mother Queen’s army. Instead of heading into the mountains of the north, the readings of Tyeano, her oracle, had been clear and they headed southward. Already, they had fought well in several battles – directed by augeries to ally with some of the races in this foreign land at times - and, at other times to fight alone. The hawk-headed Heru had been the most steadfast allies and, while the stone men of the To-Tanem reminded her too muchly of Xerxes’ titans, she still had to admire their courage and purpose when facing the forces that had escaped Hades dark realm. They had been the anvil to her forces’ hammer as the undead had hurled themselves against the wall of the rock men’s line as her swift-moving peltasts and cavalry performed hit and run attacks upon their rear and her armored hoplites moved in to crush the flank. She herself, had taken the head of the Typhon harbinger who had summoned forth the skeletal army. With a grimace, she remembered thinking that it was too ugly to keep as a trophy, but while the Tethru sage had told her that her “ka” would grow in the eyes of Aegyptians – it was they who had called her “Lioness” - she had doubts about how incredible her stories would seem when she returned to her homeland. That reverie was broken by a chill wind – almost as out of place in this land of sun-blasted sand as she was herself. It brought no comfort though she had wished for such a few moments ago. Instead, it was more bitter than a cooling breeze and it foretold the enemy that coming out of the mountains – the same mountains where Atlas himself was said to dwell. Yet that fleeting dagger of ice brought a sudden clarity of purpose. It was here that she was meant to be. At this time. Against this common foe. All else had been leading up to this – and with a smile she signaled her musicians...

Myrine's Amazon Warband

Wargods of Aegyptus ≈ 1250 points

Myrine the Lioness, Amazon Harbinger of Athena
Heavy Armor, Bow, Spear (rides in chariot)
100AMZ01 Amazon Hoplite (bottom left figure)
War Chariot, Amazon Driver & two Chariot Runners
Wheel Scythes
100AMZ15 Amazon Chariot
100AMZ16 Amazon Chariot Runners (2)
Tyeano Amazon Mistress of Words
Spells: Far Seeing Eyes
Arrows Ablaze
The Smokey Shield
Wall of Flames
A Favorable Gust
100MYT22 Amazon Officer (right figure)
Thalestris the Brazen - Amazon Champion
Medium Armor, Javelin, Sword
100AMZ01 Amazon Hoplite
Amazon Phalangite – unit of 10 with Standard & Musician
Medium Armor, Spear
100AMZ14 Amazon Armored Phalangite
100MYT23 Amazon Standard Bearer
100MYT24 Amazon Musician
Otrera of the Owl's Eye – Amazon Archer Champion Bow
100AMZ06 Amazon Archer
Bows of the Moon – Archer Unit of 10 with Standard & Musician
100AMZ06 Archer
100MYT23 Amazon Standard Bearer
100MYT24 Amazon Musician
Skirmisher Unit of 10 with Standard & Musician
Javelin, Shield
100AMZ04 Amazon Peltast
100MYT23 Amazon Standard Bearer
100MYT24 Amazon Musician
Peltast Calvary – Unit of 8
Shield, Javelin, Hand weapon


Myrine’s Amazon warband relies on a combination of swift attacks upon enemy forces as they close to weaken them before they go toe-to-toe with her heavy infantry. The arrows and javelins of her forces are augmented by Tyeano’s magic to inflict extra damage upon their targets.

Her hoplites serve as the strong core of her force and their armor helps them stand up to close combat. When battle is joined, the peltasts can hurl their javelins and close to strike while the archers target other units or leaders. If pressed too hard, the hoplites can fall back and regroup behind Tyeano's Wall of Flames. More than once, these fast-moving attacks have frustrated an enemy commander into ordering an all-out charge against one of these lighter units only to have the hoplites engage upon the poorly defended flanks.

The cavalry - a foreign tactic in this strange land - is also used to harass the enemy rear. They accompany Myrine when she sweeps in to challenge the opposing harbinger – scattering those who would stand against her.