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Eureka Amazon Army Design Contest Entries

This page lists one of the Contest entries.

Voting Results

TMP readers voted for each category on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 was the best. The final score is the sum of the three ratings, with the army vision rating weighted double.

Army vision6.05
Tactical effectiveness5.60

Back to Eureka Amazon Army Design Contest

889 hits since 27 Sep 2008
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Mrs Pumblechook's Contest Entry

Amazon Army Design

HOTT army, 24 points

Helped by Thetis the sorceress and her dragon-teethed warriors, Antiope, Queen of the Amazons, is ready to lead her gallant female warriors to war. Her Army comprises of:

Antiope and her guard
100MYT20 - Amazon Heavy cavalry - Knight General - 1 element - 4 figures
Light Cavalry unit to chase and harass the enemy
100AMZ214 - Amazon light peltast cavalry - Knights - 3 elements - 12 figures
The sorceress Thetis and her dragon-toothed warriors
100MYT24 - Amazon Officer (with spear) - Wizard - 1 element - 1 figure
100SKL202 - Skeletal Greek Hoplites - Horde - 3 elements - 15 figures
Spears and Archers, the backbone of any good army
100AMZ201 - Amazon Hoplite - Spear - 2 elements - 8 figures
100AMZ206 - Amazon Archer - Shooter - 2 elements - 8 figures
Pan, lurking in the forests to waylay unsuspecting travelers (just remember if you drop your money pouch, you better kick it all the way to Athens)
100MYT13 - Pan - Lurker - 1 element - 1 figure

At this breakup, 67.35% of figures are from Eureka's Amazon range.

P.S. If you don't get the PAN joke, PM me.