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The Razor

J. Barton Mitchell
In Print
Tom Doherty Associates (TOR) (2018)

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The Razor
Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star (8.00)

400 pages. Acknowledgments.

Xytrilium powers the universe.

The purest Xytrilium comes from the hot size of The Razor, a world locked with one face towards its star.

The world is called The Razor because its habitable zone is a thin margin between its hot and cold sides. The Barrier guards the boundary leading to the hotside. Giant mining vehicles called Crawlers make the dangerous journey into the heat, searching for Xytrilium.

Mining Xytrilium is dangerous work. Consequently, The Razor is a prison planet. The worst criminals in the universe work under the supervision of the guards and the Rangers, all for the profit of mega-corp Maas-Dorian.

Enter Marcus Flynn, brilliant engineer, framed for murder. Can he survive in this hellhole?

This is a fun novel with a large cast of interesting characters and some entrancing locales. It's got gangfights, overloading reactors, alien archeology, menacing super-corporations, secret research projects, and a race against time. Everyone has secrets.

Due to 'prison'-type violence, not recommended for younger readers. Some bad language, some sexual situations (not explicit).

Can you game it? Lots of fighting scenes that could be wargamed. Could be a campaign, with help of a gamemaster who knows the secrets and controls powerful NPCs.

Highly recommended.

Reviewed by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian.