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1,679 hits since 2 Mar 2006
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Tony Aguilar02 Mar 2006 11:27 a.m. PST

Has anyone had any dealings good or bad with ?

Alcibiades02 Mar 2006 12:59 p.m. PST

Hi…I've used DPS on a couple of occassions and find Herbert and Tony easy to deal with and very communicative and eager to please. They are relatively new so there have been some growing pains but overall excellant value for money – first class work, first class service.

K. Haryett

vojvoda02 Mar 2006 1:37 p.m. PST

I have seen tons of this company stuff on EBay in the last several months. Looks very nice but I can get the same quality (but not Essex figs!) from most of the painters at the three big conventions here in HMGS-East country, for less. I do like most of the lines they do. His rating on EBay is also very good.
James Mattes

anleiher02 Mar 2006 2:59 p.m. PST

I have purchased from him many times. Always great quality delivered quickly. Often turnaround from HK to US is 10-14 days from purchase. Recently one of the partners has been ill and this coincided with a literal boom in the business. Herbert seems to have things well in hand now. Emails are most often responded to on the same day.

ADC2Davout06 Mar 2006 7:43 a.m. PST

Herb and Toney just painted up over 124 NAP. RUSS. INF. (AB Figs) for me. I can't recommend them enough! Seems to be fair and dose very good work, as well as dependable. Did not have a similar experience with the Ukraine.
This AB/Eureka cluster bomb has not only put a semi-damper on the miniatures market, but on their AB services line as well, But their Essex services seems to be going strong, which is just as fine of a paint job. Recommend an Essex order first if unsure, but you stand a really good chance of getting satisfaction with these guys.
Also I personally look forward to visiting and/or bidding on much of their merchandise in the 15mm section on E-bay, of which they always seem to have a dominating presence.
In my experience, they simply do fine work . . .

The Lost Soul06 Mar 2006 11:59 a.m. PST


i've been collecting all sorts of figures since i was young. mostly WW2 and napoleonics i do frankly admit that collecting figures and painting minatures has been my passion. but untill a few years ago i've not been able to have the time to be invole in the hobby much. and untill recently i was unaware of the fact that figure painting is quite a profitable business. i just wanted to ask a few question to some of you who shares the same intrest as me. it is possible to make a side income from figure painting?? as for me i live in a country (myanmar/burma) where wargaming is unkown. i have not met anyone in my place who has collected figures as a hobby and is involved in wargaming. do you beleive it is possible for me to get into the business on my own ? or would it be better to have someone sub contract me. i do hope that you will reply my enquires. and last of all i would like to thank u for ur time.
a fellow collector and painter
Lin Thant

DPS HK07 Mar 2006 3:11 p.m. PST

We are DPS. I am Tony. We are just a new painting company setup no more than 1 year. In the past year, most of our work especially the administrative work & supporting work of painting were done by us part time. Herbert, my partner, still have worked for his day time work for living.
We knew & experienced many problems in the past year, our main problem in this field is customer services. How to let our customers get their figures fast, at high quality & reasonable price is all we wanted.
Herbert had quited his job in March. He will be full time in April. Hope we can serve you much better from then on.

Tks for your comment.

Chortle Fezian13 Mar 2006 4:33 a.m. PST

Hi Lin,

I'm living next door (in Bangladesh). Not too many wargamers here either. I was thinking of paying a visit to Burma in the future. What is the situation there now? I'm surprised that you have access to the Internet as I thought it was banned in Burma. I suppose you must be dialing an ISP in Thailand, which can't be cheap!

If I do make it to Burma I'll try to bring some figures with me for a game. I have 30,000 6mm Baccus figures which I'm painting at the moment. Doing the important stuff first I've finished a thousand British Napoleonics and I'm now production lining 2000 French.


Neil (

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