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"A toy soldier video from 1956" Topic

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377 hits since 12 Feb 2025
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Captain Sensible12 Feb 2025 11:01 a.m. PST

Does this video come across so weird because it is so quintessentially British or because it was made in 1956? I guess they only figured out that lead is dangerous after this was made.

YouTube link

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2025 11:21 a.m. PST

I used to melt lead and cast soldiers on the floor of my unventilated bedroom in the late 70s.

nnascati Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2025 11:34 a.m. PST


Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP12 Feb 2025 11:39 a.m. PST

"And he doesn't mind being interrupted in his work."

Take a look at "The look and stare" he gives his wife and "her visitor", when they are over at the table looking at his collection.
Doesn't mind at all, my foot….

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2025 11:42 a.m. PST


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2025 12:35 p.m. PST

I think that was some British humor. At least I hope it was.

Personal logo gamertom Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2025 6:20 p.m. PST

I only hope he thoroughly washed his hands before eating. Must admit I've never heard of someone carving a lead solider. I also wonder if the look was one of "better not break or bend that."

Fred Mills13 Feb 2025 3:40 a.m. PST


Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP13 Feb 2025 8:04 a.m. PST

Ah, The Great Lead Scare is still casting its long shadow, today…

It was junk science in the 1990's, and it is still junk science today. The threat is minimal. Don't worry, though. There is always Chelation Therapy. LOL! Cheers!

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Feb 2025 11:34 a.m. PST

Oh Lord! "Chelation Therapy!"

I remember that from the early 80's--I didn't buy it then, but I had a (former) relative who insisted on it to treat our poor Mother who was sliding into Alzheimer's (and was made to pay the bill without our knowledge). Didn't do her a lick of good, and only caused physical/emotional pain as I was the one dragooned into taking her to her "Sessions" and watched her continuing to fail.

That said, I still wouldn't suck on my figures for fun….


Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP13 Feb 2025 6:54 p.m. PST

I am sorry to hear about your Mother.

My Dad suffered Lead Poisoning from his job, in his early 30's (circa 1970) -- not sure how, as he worked at a company making large plastic piping. He underwent Chelation Therapy for it, for a few weeks in the hospital. He recovered, living to be 83 years old when he died -- no Alzheimer's, whatsoever, it was his heart.

Chelation Therapy is real, and it works, but only for heavy metal poisoning (Lead and Mercury), not Alzheimer's. Cheers!

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