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FlyXwire31 Jan 2025 3:59 a.m. PST

Just saw this –


Perhaps of interest here (an in-depth review would be welcomed now).

Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP31 Jan 2025 4:44 a.m. PST

Good catch! I'll have to give it a look.

Personal logo David Manley Supporting Member of TMP31 Jan 2025 5:46 a.m. PST

Just ordered :)

FlyXwire31 Jan 2025 6:09 a.m. PST

David, that makes three of us! :)

forrester31 Jan 2025 8:22 a.m. PST

They were the rules I used repeatedly for 1/300 WW2

The update in 1988 I felt was needlessly dense and killed WW2 for me for a long time.

The Infantry Action set, which apparently doesnt form part of the sequence, was what I used before then for Airfix units.

FlyXwire31 Jan 2025 9:58 a.m. PST

Forrester, similar story here for many of us I bet – WRG started my 1/285th scale collecting back then in the '70s. :)

We were fortunate to have Mike Reese pop in from time to time, to introduce us to his latest rule mods (WWII WRG was also the first set I started to modify).

I think if this Farquhar edition pans out, it'll also fit a retro-movement I've been on lately (Battle Cry, Battle Masters, maybe now WRG again). We'll give it a try at least.

Martin Rapier31 Jan 2025 10:06 a.m. PST

Great, I've been waiting for these to be published.

Desert Fox31 Jan 2025 2:08 p.m. PST

I am a complete newbie to this set of rules, but I am interested, especially when I see some of the TMP Old Guard is interested in the rules…

Can someone familiar with the rules give a summary of

1)How combat is done?

2)How many vehicles, guns, and men each stand represents?

3)How large a typical game is?

Thanks to who respond in advance.

FlyXwire31 Jan 2025 5:03 p.m. PST

DF, we could attempt now, based on past experience, but we should wait till our new editions arrive.

Here's a link to the old set, and we'll assume much will be similar -

PDF link

Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP01 Feb 2025 2:54 a.m. PST

Desert Fox,
When we played it eons ago each vehicle was an individual. Infantry was in fireteams. Ground scale was 1:1000, we did often put too many figs on the table in those days and overloaded the game for the available time, but we were young and enthusiastic. It is a good set of rules and with a good GM can yield a good game.

Martin Rapier01 Feb 2025 10:34 a.m. PST

DF, it is one model to one vehicle or gun, I fantry based in teams. We used to play at 1mm to the metre, sometimes two.

Alternating bounds, shoot then move, reaction tests.

The originals were a fabulous set of rules, far more realistic than all the toy soldier games of the early 70s, but far simpler than the likes of Firefly or Cambari to Sinai.

We used to play company to battalion sized games, generally armour heavy.

forrester02 Feb 2025 2:18 a.m. PST

My memory is that the 1/300 infantry tended to shuffle along an inch at a time and couldn't keep pace with the armour. Fiddling with the ground scale helped a bit. I was probably doing it wrong. I've sometimes wondered how we used to find out about products pre internet but I assume it was magazine adverts and I particularly remember an advert for these rules in Military Modelling "Wargames try a spot of Kursk"

Desert Fox03 Feb 2025 12:41 p.m. PST

Sounds interesting! I await a review once someone has a hard copy in hand.

pfmodel04 Feb 2025 1:48 a.m. PST

This looks interesting, but I see its based on the 1950 to 1985 rules, which is ok, but I would of preferred a rewrite to be based on the original rules, with corrections and updates as required. I would of changes the time scale as well, to allow infantry to actually get somewhere. I may consider getting these rules because I am a rules junkie. I need my next hit.

FlyXwire04 Feb 2025 5:12 a.m. PST

PF, I'm with you man! (we'll see if a remake means a re-think)

Though there's many of us who still game in the smaller WWII scales (3mm too now), the hobby is heavily populated with 15mm, and increasingly 10-12mm gamers, who can put a company or more of infantry and vehicular units on the game table at once. This is where a remake of these venerable rules probably required a scaling update (an update for better ground scale variation, and for use with larger scale bases and models now).

Perhaps this is why there's mention in this edition's preview, of changes to the artillery beaten zones, as I recall, those were prescribed in their overall sizes – but these barrage footprints might not scale well to use with larger size miniatures today.

Still keeping an open mind……

Personal logo Whirlwind Supporting Member of TMP05 Feb 2025 8:12 a.m. PST

Have done a review for you: link

I would of changes the time scale as well, to allow infantry to actually get somewhere.

I play WRG rules quite a lot and usually in infantry heavy scenarios. I use ground scales of 1mm = 1m or 1cm = 5m and infantry is fine; it only didn't really work for leg infantry using the alternative 1":100m scale of the first rules, which is basically the scale for 2km range battles in the desert or on the steppes, where infantry is largely irrelevant as an attacking mobile force.

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