martin goddard | 29 Jan 2025 2:19 a.m. PST |
This is how most of my wargames are framed. I agree with an opponent ( I have about 16 regular opponents) what period or game to play. Each player brings their own army and probably scenery too. Carry out a scenario builder exercise. ie A mechanism to determine defender attacker scenario situation. Play the game and finish within about 3 hours. Pack up and go home. This gives me about 200 games a year. That many games means I need to travel to various clubs and venues to meet opponents. I am fine with that. Anyone else travel to various locations, or do you play at the prime player's house with his troops , scenery and scenario? Both types of gaming are fine I think. I tend to only play the "all players contribute" types though. I have not been a competition gamer since 1973 WRG ancients. Although competition gamers do seem to get a lot of games played. this gives them a good variety of opponents. I enjoy playing a variety of opponents rather than just the same couple. Where do you play opponents? What sort of gamer structure do you prefer? Just a chat, no best answer. martin |
Wargamorium | 29 Jan 2025 4:39 a.m. PST |
You have 16 regular opponents! Time to move to Weymouth |
martin goddard | 29 Jan 2025 4:45 a.m. PST |
They are spread out in a 60 mile radius. If you are over here anytime we can get in a couple of days of solid gaming. martin |
ColCampbell | 29 Jan 2025 5:59 a.m. PST |
The Jackson Gamers have a "club" game at least twice a month (on the 1st and 3rd Saturday). Plus a group of JG retirees get together just about every Thursday for lunch and then an afternoon game. That comes out to about 70 to 75 games a year plus whatever we do at conventions. Jim |
Extra Crispy | 29 Jan 2025 7:46 a.m. PST |
We have a club with maybe 20-30 members. Wednesday nights is minis. Thursdays is boardgames. Mondays will be RPG/Dungeoncrawl or also minis. Plus many members meet their to use tables and terrain for games they just arrange themselves. |
Fitzovich | 29 Jan 2025 9:07 a.m. PST |
Big Muddy Historical Gaming Alliance – St. Louis has 2 monthly game days with multiple games at each. One in Rock Hill, Missouri and the other in Fairview Heights, Illinois. Each week we have a game on Wednesday evenings in O'Fallon, Illinois and on Thursdays we have one that alternates between Rock Hill and St. Peter's, Missouri. On alternating Tuesday evenings we have a game in Crestwood, Missouri as well. In June of each year we participate in DieCon which is held in Collinsville, Illinois for another 30 or so games. This gives us a total of oner 225 game tables per year. Our GMs bring all necessary items to the games and the players need only show up with a good attitude and willingness to play. |
Andrew Walters | 29 Jan 2025 9:19 a.m. PST |
You are living the dream. |
martin goddard | 29 Jan 2025 9:20 a.m. PST |
Your club nights sound great. I want to come along martin
pzivh43 | 29 Jan 2025 10:09 a.m. PST |
Our game club, Potomac Wargamers, plays a game a month (on average). We play at one of the member's homes. Generally, the game organizer, usually the guy whose home we're playing at, sets up scenario, organizes forces and terrain. We show up and play. |
Oberlindes Sol LIC | 29 Jan 2025 10:15 a.m. PST |
Martin Rapier | 29 Jan 2025 11:16 a.m. PST |
We do remote games twice a week and meet f2f roughly once a month. Generally the game organiser provides all the stuff, although they may ask for contributions. We stopped doing weekly club games in covid and never restarted, the remote games just work better and we can involve geographically dispersed people. Usually we do multi player, although remote it is rarely more than 8 or 9 players. The monthly games can be pretty big, I ran one for fourteen players, some of whom had travelled a fair way. |
nickinsomerset | 29 Jan 2025 11:43 a.m. PST |
We have gone from 2 of us to 4, soon to be five, meeting at least once a week for a big game in the shed, or smaller game at one of the chaps. Sometime go to SHQ Pete's for a game. The shed also once hosted a certain wargames VIP! Tally Ho! |
Frederick | 29 Jan 2025 2:00 p.m. PST |
Our group has 10 members, usually 8 plus a GM show up for a monthly game – two of us have big enough places to host the games which are typically 4 per side. We use a range of rules/minis depending on the GM, but pretty much all historical – this month D Day using Sam Mustafa's Eisenhower rules, next month SYW using Black Powder |
robert piepenbrink | 29 Jan 2025 3:00 p.m. PST |
Pretty much always a road show for me--friends who don't or can't drive, big games with large figures or a need to visit the opponent's game facility to ID units or continue the painting rotation. I have the tables, but it's been years. |
Micman | 29 Jan 2025 3:12 p.m. PST |
We have a group of 6 very consistent players who game every week. Beyond those 6 we have another 7 or so members who will make games occasionally. We will play anything that someone wants to put on. Most of the time one person will provide the game, but some eras we have lots of troops so everyone brings them. So we average about 50 games a year. About 60 miles from one end of the area to the other. Games are usually at someone's home. Out side of this group we have the larger gaming community which has 3 to 5 game days and a convention a year. Add in the other groups I know of and I get in about 65 to 70 games a year. Now if I was single it would be a much higher number. |
gamertom | 29 Jan 2025 7:39 p.m. PST |
I belong to the Jacksonville Garrison, a tabletop gaming club based in Jacksonville, Florida. Aside from running a local convention (Skirmishcon – this year it's February 7-9 at the Ramada by Wyndham Jacksonville Hotel & Conference Center just off I-495 at the San Jose exit – might as well get a plug in for it) and arranging for local events, members can arrange to meet for games at a game store (there's a plethora in Jacksonville) or a person's home. There's a small group of us that regularly meet on Friday evenings at a game store that usually stays open until midnight. We usually play a miniatures game and then a quick board game. I also meet with a small group of retirees every other Wednesday afternoon (at a different game store that opens at 11 a.m.) primarily to play a miniatures game. Friday evening miniature games can be 2-3 2-4 player games or one large 4-6 player game. The Wednesday games are nearly always a miniatures game with 2-5 players. Not counting conventions and board games, I'm playing around 70 miniatures games a year. Yes, at the moment I'm living the dream. |
Louis XIV | 30 Jan 2025 4:01 a.m. PST |
Where do you play opponents? Stores. I'm in one league but otherwise pickup games What sort of gamer structure do you prefer Well, for pickup games matched play works best. Store terrain but sometimes I do bring a set. |
bobm1959 | 04 Feb 2025 8:35 a.m. PST |
Leeds Wargames Club have their own, large, premises, loads of terrain, mats and figures (in multiple scales and periods) if required. It's always open Wednesday evenings and I attend fairly regularly. They also have other openings by arrangement and I've hosted a few large ACW battles on Saturdays there. |