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264 hits since 1 Jan 2025
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Gunner Dunbar Supporting Member of TMP01 Jan 2025 1:49 a.m. PST

Hi guys

Happy New Years, so I guess this is the time of year I start planning my hobby focus for the coming year, after many years of constantly jumping for one period and scale to another, never rely making any progress, 2 years ago I decided to dedicate all of 2023 to 1/72 WWII, and I stuck to it for 9-10 months, getting a lot completed, before getting distract by other periods/genres, I repeated that in 2024, with much the same results, I lasted about 10 months, so my discipline has been good, to a point, but I'm really enjoying the ACW stuff I've been doing this last month, and I've a hankering to get back into 1/72 Napoleonics, and to see what my 3D printer can do in that era, so, I'm thinking to expand my focus, but try and maintain the discipline, completing each batch before moving on, and doing a rotation between the 3, 1/72 WWII, ACW, and Napoleonics, which brings me to another thought.

I have been collecting wargaming/modelling stuff for a long time, I have most periods and genres in most scales, e.g WWII in 15mm, 1/72, 28mm, and 1/35, this is because, when I see a figure line I love I usually collect it, but I grew up on 1/72 plastic WWII and Napoleonics, and even though many of the other scales actually have better figures, I keep going back to 1/72, I can't seem to get traction in any other scales despite owning whole ranges of figures, unfortunately this all takes up space, and I'm running out of space. It's not in my nature to downsize my collection, so there's much soul searching in my future, keep it? Store it? Or sell it off and make room for more 1/72?

Here is my progress on the 1/72 ACW Union artillery, still a bit of work to do, especially on the horses, but it's getting there.












bobspruster Supporting Member of TMP01 Jan 2025 3:08 a.m. PST

Beautiful work. My habit is to treat limbers as neutral markers – basic wood color, two horse teams and no riders of any kind.

Gunner Dunbar Supporting Member of TMP01 Jan 2025 3:11 a.m. PST

Totally can understand that for actual wargaming, but mine are modelling/collecting focused, but with a wargaming theme.

Disco Joe01 Jan 2025 3:27 a.m. PST

Very nice.

cavcrazy01 Jan 2025 6:54 a.m. PST

Beautifully done. I like using limbers and horses complete with riders in gaming, I just think it looks cool. I hope you use it all for what would be a spectacular game.

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP01 Jan 2025 10:45 a.m. PST

Really nice work. They do look awesome for yankees.


As you doing standard field artillery batteries? If so, starting towards 1862 the US Army reorganized their Field Artillery Batteries into a six gun unit per battery, 3 sections of 2 guns each, broken down into 4 rifled guns (usually 10-12 lb Parrots), and 2 smoothbores, (usually the 12 lb "Napoleons", but sometimes the 6lb'ers were used instead depending on what they had). The amount of rifled guns they had versus what the CS forces had was what gave them a massive artillery advantage for the most part, and it gave them excellent counterbattery options.
Now this was in theory, and for practice for most, (but not all batteries in the field), full standardization really didn't come across the board until mid '64.
Simply putting this out there because you might want some more rifled guns to standard up your batteries, unless you are doing some of the odder area theaters of the war, or focusing on 61 – early 62…

Gunner Dunbar Supporting Member of TMP01 Jan 2025 1:41 p.m. PST

Thanks for the advice, actually most of the Napoleons are going to my CSA force, as they are 3D printed, I printed them all together, and decided to just paint them all together as well.

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP01 Jan 2025 4:24 p.m. PST

Looking very good, as Murphy says, for Yankees. These guys are all printed? What a brave new world we live in.

CHRIS DODSON Supporting Member of TMP01 Jan 2025 9:14 p.m. PST

What an excellent finished product.

The cannon look lovely and the limbers are excellent.

Personally I do not like the old Airfix crews but you have breathed life into them with your beautiful painting.

Best wishes,


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