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"Rescue of 1st Airborne: BoB v ABTF" Topic

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Korvessa Supporting Member of TMP22 Dec 2024 4:16 p.m. PST

Just curious,
In the TV show Band of Brothers, they make a big deal about Easy Company rescuing the British 1st Airborne after Market Garden failed.
I just finished reading a Bridge Too Far. In that book, the Americans, let alone 101st, are never even mentioned in covering the withdrawal of the British 1st.
Which is more correct?

BillyNM22 Dec 2024 9:50 p.m. PST

I can guess.

Martin Rapier22 Dec 2024 11:40 p.m. PST

I don't recall that in the TV show. The 101st were miles down the corridor when 1st AB was withdrawn, although they did take part in the battle for The Island around Nijmegen later on.

King Monkey23 Dec 2024 2:21 a.m. PST

I think the 101st were involved in the rescue of waifs and strays after they took over the defence of the Island. bulk of troops withdrawn with help of 43rd Div?

14Bore23 Dec 2024 2:29 a.m. PST

I am sure the 101st helped evacuate the 1st, looking into reference

14Bore23 Dec 2024 2:36 a.m. PST

Watch this episode

Mark 1 Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2024 1:26 p.m. PST

Watch this episode … but it covers the whole history of E COY / 506th PIR of the 101st in WW2, and it's 45 minutes long.

So if you want to start where the Operation Market Garden story begins, watch this episode starting at:

Full Market Garden at about 26:55.
Second "phase", where 506th is transferred to British 12th Corps command at about 30:05.
Specific reference to Easy Company helping to extract 140 friendlies, including many 1st Airborne troops (but also some US Airmen), from the other side of the Rhine is at about 31:10.

Why it may be unclear in various references is that they were operating under British command at that time, so may not be specifically called-out beyond the units they were subordinated to. Unit histories do not typically call out every subordinate formation under their command for each step of any random operation.

Maybe. Just a guess.

(aka: Mk 1)

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