Pete have you ever tried the GHQ method? As sold in the GHQ terrain kit for trees?
It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I do batches of 20 trees in about 15 minutes or so (not including clean-up … takes a few minutes to wash the hands when I'm done).
All it takes is some bump-chenille, some white glue, a candle (birthday cake candle will do), and a metal plate with a hole -- I use an angle-joint from the hardware store because it stands up hands-free on the table, and it has more than one usable hole so my production pace is higher. Oh, and a couple different colors of paint.
For those who don't know, chenille is like pipe-cleaners except more "floofey". It is for decoration, not for cleaning nasty stuff. Bump chenille is chenille that goes from thick to thin and back again.
Here is some brown bump chenille from a hobby retailer's website. I prefer green, but brown might do just as well.
You cut the chenille in the thickest and thinnest parts of the "bump". The thin end will be the trunk, the thick will be the top of the palm tree.
Cut a bunch of 'em. I do 20 at a time.
Put one through the hole in the metal plate about half to 2/3rds through. Pass the thin end over a lit candle to melt the nylon bristles to the wire stem. This will be the trunk of your palm tree. It's very easy to do. Just don't light it on fire!
Then push some more of the bushy part through the hole. Blob some white glue all around on it. Pull it back through the hole (from the bushy side) so you flatten all that gooey bushy part against the wire stem. This will be the dead fronds hanging down around the trunk.
Now blob some glue on the remaining still-fluffy bushy part, and pinch the remaining nylon hairs into several "palm-fronds". Let the glue dry, and apply a couple greens, tans, and a wash of dark brown. If you do a batch of about 20, your first one will be just about dry enough to paint when your last one is formed. Or at least that's how it works for me.
Oh, and the total cost is like maybe $4 USD for 120-160 trees.
Your palmage may vary…
(aka: Mk 1)