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"Metal Detectorist Took Artifacts" Topic

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian23 Aug 2024 12:29 p.m. PST

A mysterious series of holes discovered at the site of an 18th-century fort has led to the arrest of an overzealous artifact hunter, according to investigators in North Carolina…

Military: link

PzGeneral23 Aug 2024 2:54 p.m. PST

Doing his "artifacting" at night with a headlamp leads me to believe he KNEW he was in the wrong. If he was in doubt, why not ask permission? Or was he practicing "it's easier to ask forgiveness then permission"….


Personal logo ColCampbell Supporting Member of TMP23 Aug 2024 5:58 p.m. PST

Or it is easier to steal at night when he thought no one was there -- except the surveillance cameras.


Zephyr123 Aug 2024 7:34 p.m. PST

Having frequented a metal-detecting forum in the past, I can say the members would take a very dim view of his activities (not to mention that he didn't refill his holes, a big no-no) because it ruins the legitimate hobby for everybody else.

" If he was in doubt, why not ask permission?"

Oh, that would never happen. Historical sites are archie territory, and woe to anyone who poaches on it… ;-)

Louis XIV Supporting Member of TMP24 Aug 2024 3:31 a.m. PST

I would think there are items all over so you could stay just outside the property and do your detecting

Disco Joe24 Aug 2024 7:42 a.m. PST

He should be thrown in jail.

Cerdic24 Aug 2024 9:59 a.m. PST

What are the rules on metal detecting in the US?

In Britain you need the landowners permission to metal detect. We are lucky that there is blanket permission for anyone to detect on all land owned by the Crown Estate (aka the land owned by the King). This includes most of the coastline, so if you you don't fancy pestering a farmer for permission to detect on his land you can just pop down to the nearest beach…

Zephyr124 Aug 2024 1:55 p.m. PST

"What are the rules on metal detecting in the US?"

Well, for Florida, on any beach between the dune and the waterline is fair game (except on Federal land, like Cape Canaveral.) With like a billion dollars of shipwreck treasure laying around, plenty for everyone…! ;-)

"I would think there are items all over so you could stay just outside the property and do your detecting"

Possibly, but better get permission of the property owner to be on their land. Also, many states/localities ban the digging up of any artifacts 50 years or older (even on your own property!)

As always, check your local ordinances on metal detecting. They can vary a lot from place to place… ;-)

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