FlyXwire | 21 Aug 2024 4:23 a.m. PST |
The experience of ordering POD figures and models is encountering some regular hiccups now, that seem to reflect retailers not being able to deliver on some of the smaller scales they advertise - TMP link A cautionary note for customers – we can't expect positive performance based on screenshots from 3D file renders – and retailers – please post [test] pics of actual Print results when advertising availability online. |
greenknight4  | 21 Aug 2024 4:54 a.m. PST |
I am licensed to print three companies. BlackCat, Medbury and Bergman. I find the first two always provide me with actual prints of the figures. Bergman tends to be renders but usually print fine. |
Sgt Slag  | 21 Aug 2024 6:15 a.m. PST |
I will add a request to show the 3D printouts next to a metric ruler, showing the figure's height, in millimeters, along with your alleged scale… Scale is a meaningless concept in current parlance, and, Yes, I am aware that they can be enlarged/reduced as desired (within reason) by the customer. Make it easy for us to order products from you! Thank you! Cheers! |
Martin Rapier | 21 Aug 2024 8:38 a.m. PST |
If I'm trying a new Supplier I just order a few test pieces first. If they are rubbish, no more orders from me. Just like photos on traditional suppliers sites, you can ask all you want on Wargaming forums, but ultimately market forces will decide. 3D POD is a bit Wild West atm though, but still not enough to buy my own printer. I do rely on friends recommendations a lot too. |
DeRuyter | 21 Aug 2024 9:39 a.m. PST |
Gather enough of these "cautionary" tales and you will have justification to buy your own printer. They are getting more user friendly with each generation. |
machinehead  | 21 Aug 2024 11:25 a.m. PST |
Martin Rapier, that's what I was doing. I ordered 6 different vehicles including 3 variations of the 250 halftracks. I think that before a company offers something for sale at the very least they should print a trial run on each item to ensure that they actually can produce it. |
FlyXwire | 21 Aug 2024 11:37 a.m. PST |
I was just going to comment the same thing Ed. The company you referenced in this regard couldn't even produce test samples. So again, to the initial point of the thread – test your 3D Print products and scales before you put out your business shingle. |
Martin Rapier | 22 Aug 2024 7:50 a.m. PST |
Like I said, 3D POD is still at the Wild West stage. I think many of them just buy the STLs and hope for the best (is a startup really going to test every STL in every conceivable scale?). I've had 1/100 stuff which has clearly been scaled down from 1/56 without the slightest thought about component thickness, and some ie aimed at the BA market which are hilariously cartoonish, more like kids toys. Very little would induce me to prat about with my own printer though. I just don't need that much stuff, I already have an entire room full of figures and vehicles. |
John Leahy  | 22 Aug 2024 9:02 a.m. PST |
Good point Martin. I run a 3D printing company. I obtain 100's of files every month due to commercial level supporting at Patreon or Tribes. I get to know how supports are done by the creator. I also try and print the files at different scales to see how they look. War times Journal does EXCELLENT ships in 1/1250 and 1/1800 scale. I games in 1/2500 and 1/3000. I tried printing the predreadnoughts in 1/2400 and they were just too fragile for me. So I do not sell them. It kills me as it's requested a lot. Printing 1000's of figs allows me to understand what files that creators make are scaleable and which probably aren't. I do test prints to confirm or deny that. However, there is little chance that I could print up every file I own. I have about 6 TB of files. I do use an extra strong resin and inspect the figs before they are sent out. If I wouldn't game with them I don't sell them. The problem with a file not turning out correctly is possibly that the file is bad (if you've ruled out the other support, levelling and related issues). I repair ones I use. Lychee tends to show errors in many files. But if it's a design flaw that's on the creator and I ask them to fix it. If it's a file created for free like Bergman not sure he'd do anything about it as he has already given a lot to gamers already. Thanks. John |
Dye4minis  | 22 Aug 2024 7:38 p.m. PST |
I've experienced similar problems ordering from companies for my own use. Not just showing renderings but added to the frustration is having to wait so long to receive my order! I coined the phrase "The proof is in the plastic". At AIM, we have put of photos of the actual print. We tell you how many units (packs) we have in stock. Order ship the next business day 99% of the time and come to you in plastic clamshells with foam inserts to help ensure they arrive in the best shape we can possibly do. At the moment, we only serve North America. Here is a direct link to how we have addressed concerns mentioned here: link You can also leave a request to be emailed when stock arrives if we are temp out of anything- no payment till ordered. Always trying to add more models (all 1/144th scale) on a monthly basis. Only negative I admit on AIM is that we are currently focused on the WWII North African Campaigns. As any good WWII gamer knows that many of the vehicles can be found in use in other theatres. There are still quite a few yet to add before we will move on to another theatre. I hope this approach can be appreciated by many here. |
UshCha  | 24 Aug 2024 12:54 p.m. PST |
NEVER buy saleable files or buy files and scale them by more than a few percent 1/160 to 1/144 may be OK. Any DECENT file will be optimised for a particular scale. For example a tank gun barrel in the real world is too small to produce on any printer and not be too fragile. Hence as a Guide 1mm is the limiting diameter. Hence a a 1/144 Marder will have a 1mm diameter barrel, oversize but that is the best that can be done. Scale it up to say 1/76 and its now WAY too big. Also optimum surface detail to paint is 0,3 to 0,4mm raised. Obviously 0.6 to 0.8mm on a 1/172 model scaled up model is just daft. I know I have done it in desperation as I care little for 1/72 stuff so crap is acceptable. Scaling down is worse, a 1mm diameter barrel is fine but go down to 1/300 and its too fragile (about 0,5mm diameter) even If you could print it. Alas 1/300 still needs 1mm plastic OR go like the old Skytex and use a pin. better size but now its a hybrid not a print. PS in pursuit of excellence with my special Real Scale figures I did get a final section of a 1/144 scale rifle down to 0,7mm diameter (less oversize) but it was to fragile so the 1mm minimum is a good guide. I have looked at scalable figures but they are universally poor, the weapons are far to oversized at one scale so they can be printed at a smaller scale. AOTRS Shipyards I use for mostly 1/144 vehicles will scale there files down but if its not available, will make a charge for a scaling of a file to get rid of these problems. You have been warned! |
monk2002uk | 24 Aug 2024 10:56 p.m. PST |
I wouldn't say 'never'. If you do then you (or someone you know) should be prepared to modify the file. I have done this several times – increasing the size of barrels, making mudguards thicker, making wheels wider, etc so that even 58mm models can be used for 6mm. Modifying figures in this way is much more difficult. Thankfully the range of files available for 6mm is increasing all the time. Robert |