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"Olympic style Fencing miniatures" Topic

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Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP01 Aug 2024 1:25 p.m. PST

Does anyone know of Olympic type fencers? Any size. Have wanted to create a game for fencing and watching the Olympics has got me interested. Thanks.

nnascati Supporting Member of TMP01 Aug 2024 3:06 p.m. PST

I:just looked on Etsy. Searching for fencers gives you fantasy figures! There might be some in 54mm.

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP01 Aug 2024 4:57 p.m. PST

Yeah, I looked there too and couldn't find any.

The dumb guy01 Aug 2024 8:54 p.m. PST

Here's from Pulp Miniatures.
One figure out of a pack.

Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP02 Aug 2024 6:23 a.m. PST

Can't help with the figures, but for rules ideas you might look at the old Star Wars Episode 1: Clash of the Lightsabers game for some rule inspiration.

It uses two decks of cards, from which the players select a series of attacks or blocks (parries). The selections are laid out in a row of three cards, each representing 1/3rd of a combat round. The selections are revealed one card at a time, and the players then decide whether to add cards to what has been revealed in hopes of having the highest total attack value for each 3rd. Win two of the thirds, and you score hits on your opponent. Hits are tracked by two figures who advance/retreat along a single track as a result of combat. The duel ends when one of the figures is forced off the end of the track by the hits.
The actual game is too Star Wars specific, and thus not real fencing, but there's a gem of an idea in there.


Alas, the game itself is OOP.

Eclectic Wave02 Aug 2024 9:23 a.m. PST

I would look for En Garde, a Thematic fencing game from 1993. Comes with two metal fencing miniatures.


Personal logo KimRYoung Supporting Member of TMP02 Aug 2024 10:33 a.m. PST

Pulp Figures has a female fencer



nnascati Supporting Member of TMP07 Aug 2024 3:37 p.m. PST

I was looking for something else, and came across these -


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