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robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP21 Jun 2024 3:57 p.m. PST

Looking for three (maybe four) figures to represent very specific classic SF literary figures, so if you haven't read about these guys, you'll have trouble helping.
1) Kimball Kinnison, in his prime, like the old Astounding cover--in his Unattached grays, Lens on his wrist and DeLameters in his holsters or his hands, looking like he owns Civilization.
2) Northwest Smith in his spacer's leathers, with his powergun--possibly with the deceptively innocent-looking Yarol looking for someone to backstab or rob.
3) Eric John Stark, big, hairy and only about half civilized. Maybe a hand weapon of some sort, but certainly with a knife just this side of a sword.

Anyone seen a 28mm that just cried out one or more of these guys? If you're going to have a spaceport, and the spaceships have fins, these are the guys you'd find in the nearest bar.


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