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"Drug use in German Army WW2" Topic

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Darrell B D Day09 May 2024 8:23 a.m. PST

Although I've read hundreds of WW2 histories, I've never come across mention of the widespread use of the drug Pervitin by the Heer before. It's mentioned in Roger Moorhouse's "First to Fight" about the Polish campaign. He posits the theory that as well as enhancing stamina and clarity of thought (albeit temporarily) it may have also contributed to the amount of atrocities committed in that campaign by supercharging soldiers' aggression.

In fact, I now find there's a wealth of stuff online about this so I must be the last to read about it. I'm interested to know what TMPers think of this subject. Is it something that should be factored into games? Was the use of "pep pills" by the Allies comparable?


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP09 May 2024 8:51 a.m. PST

I watched a fascinating TV show about it a few years ago. The Germans were experimenting with all kinds of things, one of which was a cocaine and meth cocktail that they tried on a submarine crew. That sub was never heard from again.

As far as gaming goes, I wouldn't worry about it unless you have some type of drugged up nazi scenario in mind.

Darrell B D Day09 May 2024 9:12 a.m. PST

As far as gaming goes, I wouldn't worry about it unless you have some type of drugged up nazi scenario in mind.

No, I'm not thinking that. It's more to do with enhanced combat ability in the short term. Apparently Pervitin, which is a methamphetamine, was widely available without a prescription in pre-war Germany and soldiers could and did self-administer. This wasn't some crazy scientific experiment but a routine indulgence.


14Bore09 May 2024 9:33 a.m. PST

Yesterday or day before watch Johnny Johnson on YouTube about this and other stimulants coffee and tea and all the main armies.

jgawne09 May 2024 9:44 a.m. PST

Pervetin really came into the general public knowledge of WW2 a few years ago when the book "Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich" came out. (an interesting book). Than everyone jumped on the bandwagon of 'Nazi's were all drug fiends'. Clearly it was used, but it seems like it's been over-emphasized in the recent years.

LaserGrenadier Supporting Member of TMP09 May 2024 9:48 a.m. PST

Read "Blitzed" by Robert Ohler. It details the widespread, approved use of meth stimulants in the German forces, as well as the abuse of meth and cocaine by Hitler. The drugs seemed to be particularly useful in the 1940 campaign, allowing the Germans to keep pushing while opposing forces were tired and wearing out.

Andy ONeill09 May 2024 10:29 a.m. PST

I don't think there'd be much of a wargame effect except at quite a high level. Early war German divisions might be capable of a bit longer movement.

I find the potential link to callous behaviour and atrocities interesting.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP09 May 2024 10:30 a.m. PST

Yes, I understand that. I am saying that we have been gaming WWII for decades without worrying about it, so why bother now unless you have a specific scenario in mind? You cab always do the Squad Lader berserker rule… Roll boc cars on a morale check and the meth kicks in.

Martin Rapier09 May 2024 10:34 a.m. PST

I thought all WW2 armies were afloat on booze and pills. Benzedrine and various other types of amphetimine were very commonly used by Allied forces. I read somewhere that the US alone got through 500 million Bennies in the course of the war.

Darrell B D Day09 May 2024 10:42 a.m. PST

Yes, I understand that. I am saying that we have been gaming WWII for decades without worrying about it, so why bother now unless you have a specific scenario in mind?

I'm not "worrying" about it. I just thought it was an interesting subject about which I was previously unaware.

I must admit, I threw in the bit about how it may affect games to keep the subject honest on a wargames forum.

I thought all WW2 armies were afloat on booze and pills. Benzedrine and various other types of amphetimine were very commonly used by Allied forces. I read somewhere that the US alone got through 500 million Bennies in the course of the war.

This what I was wondering and it goes a long way to explaining how and why ordinary men were able to keep on keeping on.


Frederick Supporting Member of TMP09 May 2024 1:11 p.m. PST

Both sides used amphetamines – the US Army Air Corps gave them to bomber pilots for long flights (some of those bomb runs into Germany were 8 hours or more) and the Brits gave them to paratroopers – the Germans even put amphetamines in chocolate Fliegerschokolade (flyer's chocolate) it's ground- based equivalent, Panzerschokolade (tanker's chocolate)

Also the post war militaries of number of countries have used amphetamines on a selected basis

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP09 May 2024 1:25 p.m. PST

Never a great idea. Stimulants may increase one's perception of combat performance, but reality seems to differ. The opposite seemed to apply to US Airborne at D Day, where anti air sick meds (I presume contemporary anti-histamines) just knocked them out on landing.

But yet. I was told by a med veteran doc from Texas, that falling asleep is a human reaction to stress. I had to give a talk to the surgeons of Uni of Mich, and was not confident. I just could not stop yawning and keep my eyes open at 1900! Weirdest thing and I have never forgotten. Moment I stood up and the 35 mm slides started I was fine.

It is human nature to land in a Normandy Field and fall asleep.

Hornswoggler09 May 2024 7:23 p.m. PST

For a good overview of the subject, have a look at James Holland's doco "World War Speed: The Drugs That Won WWII".

Edge of Empires10 May 2024 2:55 a.m. PST

Panzer Chocolates

Marc33594 Supporting Member of TMP10 May 2024 6:25 a.m. PST

I suppose if we factor in the "highs" then also would need to factor in the "lows" as well. Factor in any improvement in performance for say a specific action do we then factor in a unit may be crashing after a 3 day high? All in all an interesting topic but not one I think we would factor into our games.

And deadhead I know you never would but don't rule out that boost from adrenaline.

Nine pound round11 May 2024 10:44 a.m. PST

And then there was Hitler's use, which was enormously consequential. How do you model THAT?

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