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"The Bordurian Invasion of Trans Syldavia Commences" Topic

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813 hits since 31 Mar 2024
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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freecloud01 Apr 2024 12:00 a.m. PST

We started a 1930's Balkan Imagi-Nation campaign at the beginning of the year, Borduria and Syldavia were the first protagonists

In essence it's a mini campaign with a (sort of) script, and its evolved as we have bult up the 2 armies and other players / armies have become involved.

Anyway, we have had 3 battles now, its great fun having battles set in a narrative, and it may be interesting to people interested either in the InterWar era or Imagi-nations / Alt History so here is a link to the first post of the 1st game, you can then just click on the next 2 if you wish.

(It's also interesting how the narrative / new player entry has started to drive the Alt History backstory, we have re-designed 1930's Europe.)


advocate01 Apr 2024 11:45 a.m. PST

Absolutely brilliant. I posted on one of your reports that I'm inspired to play the Russo-Polish war with O Group – especially if I can work out how aircraft and cavalry might work.

epturner01 Apr 2024 12:39 p.m. PST

That's awesome!

I have some spare Team Yankee East Germans and Danes which I'm looking at repurposing for this very purpose. (I don't play TY, I just use their figures for Seven Days To The River Rhine)

Lovely stuff.


JMcCarroll01 Apr 2024 1:51 p.m. PST

You know what they say about Bordurians?
Syldavians make the best cheese!

freecloud02 Apr 2024 12:08 p.m. PST


The aircraft rules in O group – takes 3 Orders to call them vs 2 for artillery and 1 for mortars (for a normal game you can count on about 6 orders per turn average). 7+ with 2 dice brings them onto the board (so > 50% probability of appraerance). It is the equivalent of 2 heavy artillery hits but with no radius of other casualties. It's pretty effective and is really good for hitting stuff your FO can't see. (It may be overegged for a re-war biplane (eg Polikarpov Po. 2*) as O Group is more aimed at mid WW2, so we may introduce a lower effectiveness lower cost option for those sorts of planes)

RE cavalry, the rules say they move at 2 dice per bound, we allow them 3 dice if mounted.

*The Po 2 was used in WW2 night bombing by female pilots (Night Witches) and in Korea (5 O clock Charlie) and were just about immune as nothing could fly slow enough. One downed an F-84 that tried to shoot it down, stalled and crashed :D

freecloud02 Apr 2024 12:27 p.m. PST

We play 6mm Cold war Imagi-Nations with FFoT. I have some 15m (TY) stuff too – how does Seven Days To The River Rhine work (force size, play etc)?

Bordurians had the wine though :) , Syldavians are (allegedly) teetotal in the Tintin books

KevinV02 Apr 2024 3:56 p.m. PST

I always loved this rivalry.
Thanks for sharing.

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