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"Game mechanic? - card-driven scenarios?" Topic

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Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP17 Feb 2024 7:29 a.m. PST

Hi All,

Lately I've been imagining, or hoping to find a rules system that uses unit cards to generate part of a scenario's on-board encounters. My wants are oriented around having the defensive team able to supplement any of their on-board units with additional units that are activated when they place units specified on cards onto an area of the game board as a game is evolving (deployed into a position in real time).

The card-indicated unit(s) wouldn't be functioning to locate pre-positioned hidden units, as like with "blinds", but to option the deployment of pre-game selected (and/or if designated by scenario design) defensive units onto the tabletop as a game is being played.

As a short-cut reference example, a unit card might denote certain strongpoint compositions, say an entrenched infantry platoon reinforced with some specified hvy. weapon(s) support.

My hopes/aim here, is to explore if there exist this type of card-driven, scenario-generating method, for introducing defensive units into a game's battle-space, as a scenario is being played. In the least, I could see this as a way to control co-operative style gameplay, that is, with a GM activating the defensive side's deployment thru card-indicated units (could be used for head-to-head play).

Are there any rule systems or board games that already use this type of on-the-fly scenario-generation method, via a card-specified deployment mechanic – maybe something similar and found within an available solo game design?

SBminisguy17 Feb 2024 8:20 a.m. PST

NUTS WW2 Skirmish has a card option to determine enemy forces and events during the game.


Joe Legan17 Feb 2024 9:49 a.m. PST

Fly, I think you have platoon forward already. In several scenarios the opfor receive reinforcements as blinds and you roll for board edge.
As far as new units in place during the game they only come in as random events.
Not sure what else you are looking for. Nuts does have spawning locations that can happen during the game if I remember correctly.


pfmodel17 Feb 2024 5:23 p.m. PST

Any ad-hoc card based scenario systems does depend on the rules, scale and period, but this is one system which i use for WW2 figure gaming:

I would suggest you may need to create your own system.

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP18 Feb 2024 6:35 a.m. PST

I don't (and wouldn't) make reinforcements part of the rules for a game. The miliary condition for reinforcements are so situationally dependent, it is best to put them in scenarios.

You can have a "core" mechanism for reinforcements that changes characteristics (which cards are in a deck, how you shuffle, etc.), but the mechanic is likely to need tweaks across scenarios.

From our published scenarios, Siege of Monstral is the closest to what you listed.

We have a couple other ones that might work for your intent:

Troll/Chupacabra has a deck, but different than you describe.
draw deck

Haywire uses a die roll

Imperium Alieni uses tokens

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP18 Feb 2024 8:56 a.m. PST

Not quite what what you want, but the Undaunted Normandy series of games are deck builders. You start with troops and have the option to draw more cards which act as reinforcements. BUT you might draw a "Fog of War" card which gums up your deck.

YouTube link

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP18 Feb 2024 10:51 a.m. PST

Wow Guys, thank you all for your contributions to the discussion here!

Some excellent references to top-notch, developed game mechanics.

Taking PFMODEL's advice, I need to further refine what I'm hoping to accomplish. My scale-focus is around unit-based formations, and then having cards tie-in to the composition of deployable [defensive] game unit(s) – at the moment, wanting to use these 3mm entrenchment models below, from Total Battle Miniatures as the physical counterparts to be noted by the unit cards –

The cards would note the composition of the infantry strongpoints (their organizational content), but also serve as scenario-based, 'place-holder-shortcuts' that would be used to populate the gameboard as a scenario is played out…..and with basic rules that specified as to where they could be located/*revealed* when in proximity of encroaching enemy units.

The game-play result hoping to be achieved – allowing for hidden defensive units without map-tracking – more like 'triggered' assets being discovered by an advancing enemy formation (with one resulting gameplay benefit being – mission-based need for probing/scouting attacks, and/or recon tasking within a game).

By the way, these Total Battle Miniatures' trench pieces could be used for 6mm gaming too, so might denote the location of an infantry squad each, and any of those with a supporting hvy. weapon (AT or IG gun) if attached (where the corresponding card would specify those deployed contents).

In the scale I intend on using these entrenchment pieces, for 3mm scale, each one could indicate an infantry platoon position – and so the picture above could indicate the deployment of an infantry company strongpoint in-game.

Joe Legan20 Feb 2024 6:47 p.m. PST

Fly, I understand. With platoon forward you could designate areas of potential contacts, then use the AKOT table to determine if the enemy was indeed present there when you arrived and/or scouted.
AKOT is flexible enough to be very scenario dependent.
That help?


Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP21 Feb 2024 4:34 a.m. PST

Joe, that's very similar to what I'm looking for.

In fact, I was thinking of having finite forces pre-designated for the pool of units to be drawn upon, but I like your AKOT(?) table capability, that would make varied scenario-generation occur even more so (as long as those forces were available in miniature).

Would you have a link you could provide here?

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP21 Feb 2024 6:05 a.m. PST

[REPEAT – EDIT here]

Joe, that's very similar to what I'm looking for.

In fact, I was thinking of having finite forces pre-designated for the pool of units to be drawn upon, but I like your AKOT(?) table capability, that would make varied scenario-generation occur even more so (as long as those forces were available in miniature).

Would you have a link you could provide here?

Just wanted to show off some WIP for this 3mm WW2 project – this on a 4X4ft. fleece mat, which we be 5km X 5km in scale area.

These pics showing Eastern Front village buildings, but this mat is the NW European version (one of two printed out – the other mat will be a more 'steppe-colored' for doing the Ostfront).

The plan is to be able to host two games on moderate-size tables, for players to go at it head-to-head, in Kampfgruppe-size/Battalion-level actions (for a few hours of gameplay each) – then able to switch out the scenarios for some repeat-play – and hopefully a fun afternoon at the shop, or during a typical con session slot.

Joe Legan21 Feb 2024 8:13 a.m. PST

that terrain looks great. I am weakening towards 6mm.
I apologize; I thought you already had platoon forward. I really didn't mean to "hawk" my product. I hate when people do that.
That said, I really do think it will meet your needs. Though it is designed as a campaign system about half of it is a solo/cooperative scenario system to have your platoons/company tackle. You can ignored the rest of the book and just use the OPFOR from the scenario system. Here is the link:
I would love to know what you think if you buy it. If you hate it I will give you my portion of your money back. I don't keep the money anyway; all of it goes to one of the local food banks here.



PS AKOT= All Knowing Odds Table : ). Pronounced A-cot.

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP21 Feb 2024 9:25 a.m. PST

Joe, no problem with hawking at all – as it's "by request"!

Before I secure, would the system easily transfer to platoon+ unit generation, with parent units of companies/battalions (and I could probably do that upper unit level adaptation if needed too)?

Joe Legan21 Feb 2024 5:17 p.m. PST

Fly, yes it would. Just substitute platoons for squads and either half platoons or platoons for individual vehicles. HQs are already pretty loose so that also will be easy.
And I am serious about giving you back your money. I do not want to die and be accused of ripping people off. : )



Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP22 Feb 2024 4:59 a.m. PST

Joe, I appreciate this, and your giving any proceeds to the local food banks is most commendable – so this could never be a rip-off in my mind (more like a two-for I get to participate in).

Cheers back to ya!


Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP22 Feb 2024 6:15 a.m. PST

Joe, got it, and it's a gem! (I'm going to need to replenish my printer's ink asap) :)))

Nicely illustrated (and I can PDF-Edit some of the text in your AKOTs too, just perhaps to insert higher-command level notations).

The Scenario Cards are tailor-made game templates! – there's a lot to unpack and absorb yet.

You put a lot of work into this, Joe!

Joe Legan22 Feb 2024 2:46 p.m. PST

Dave, I am pleased you like it. Yes I put some work into it because I wanted a first class solo system for myself frankly. I am pleased most people seem to find it useful. We have sold around two thousand; not bad for a PDF with no advertising.
I can't take credit for the layout; that was all Rich. : ). If you ever delve into asymmetric warfare I have grunts forward.
The scenarios should keep you busy for a long
I have been very fortunate, and this is a hobby for me not a business, so I try to pass it on.
If you have any questions please ask!


Joe Legan22 Feb 2024 4:07 p.m. PST

Dave, I just read my post. I haven't asked Rich for numbers for years but I doubt we have sold two thousand; sorry. Probably about half that.
Let me know what you think or if you have any questions. It is designed as a toolbox. Use the parts that make sense to you.


TimePortal25 Feb 2024 8:50 p.m. PST

Back in 1995 we designed a tactical system for Vietnam using tactical activity control cards. Each unit, platoon or squad was given for each turn a red card and a black card. These were used to designate which activity move or shoot during each turn. So when it fired the red card would be discarded. When it moved or preformed a weapon system function the black card was discarded.
An easy system for igougo. a modified system is to assign each unit a specific card red and black, then put them in an activity deck. And then draw for the order of play. Only opportunity fire would supersede the fire card draw order.

Joe Legan26 Feb 2024 6:31 a.m. PST

That would work for orders. How long was your turn?


TimePortal26 Feb 2024 11:08 a.m. PST

If you are commenting on me. We play tested two systems. One was a squad level combat system with one turn equaling1 to 2 minutes. A second system was each unit is a platoon, each turn was 5 minutes.
A unique feature was how we did terrain. Since moving castings or bases can involve moving trees, we had the whole board jungle so no special terrain was needed. We only designated areas as open terrain or bogs.

Joe Legan27 Feb 2024 11:03 a.m. PST

Tp, interesting. For 1-2 minutes turns I could see your system working. In 5 minutes I could see the situation changing so a platoon might need to fire or move.
But if it worked for you than that's what counts.

TimePortal23 Mar 2024 3:26 p.m. PST

Well I am old school from the 1900s. So I designed all of my scenario generation systems using matrix charts. Here you used a die to refer to the chart for the factor. The two most popular systems that were published in wargaming magazines were the Napoleonic and World War 2. Iirc the magazines were Wargamers Digest, my first, and the Courier.

I later used the WW2 version in a set of miniature rules. FOF.

When designing systems for scenarios, what you do with the discards changes the factors. If you discard them, then the percentage chance to draw is changed. If you keep and reshuffle then the chances remain balanced. Even here balance is a key factor.

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