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"Finely Crafted Orcish Dice Tower? NOT!" Topic

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Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP08 Feb 2024 1:00 p.m. PST

This is the Orcish Dice Tower my friend made, from scrap wood, prior to his Quest for the Holy Grail Dice Tower. This thing is massively heavy! If you dropped it six feet, onto a concrete floor, it would likely chip, but not much else would happen to it… It is made out of scraps of solid wood. Not sure how many baffles it has, but it seems to get the job done. Here are the images, for your viewing pleasure: Insert Heads Here; Dwarves Drool; my Momma wuz an Elf (Whimper!); who is Grud?

In case anyone did not get the humor of the title, my friend made it crudely, to reflect the Orcish style and craftsmanship, on purpose… LOL! Cheers!

Stryderg Supporting Member of TMP08 Feb 2024 7:12 p.m. PST

Nice. I almost expected it to be slightly off vertical, but that would probably take too much craftsmanship. I do like the "Dwarfs drool", though.

ZULUPAUL Supporting Member of TMP09 Feb 2024 3:29 a.m. PST

Fer an orc it is finely crafted!

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