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35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 5:13 a.m. PST

Tort exactly, he was elected by the people to have their delegates represent and vote Biden in as their candidate for the 2024 election. That is what I was saying.

He lost that debate for what reason? How did he look? How did he react? How were his responses? How did he walk after the debate? With help getting down the steps with Jill's help? Was this the first time with these issues? How is his temperament? Swings from extremes of whispering to sudden rage? Stumbles? Blank looks? Losing train of thoughts? Wondering off dazed and confused?

These are the reasons he was forced out, because his voters finally saw it first hand. The MSM and politicians and staff could no longer lie about the clips showing this, were edited and that he was a model of intellectual stability. The polls then dropped and showed no chance to win.

His cabinet, MSM and party politicians lied to us for years, including their current candidate. How can you trust them? They knew exactly how he was.

I have a long list of links, showing these issues for the last 4 years. Those of us who have watched his speeches and his appearances have seen it for years.

This issue has threatened our countries security and does so even more now. The 25th amendment is necessary and it only takes the VP and 1 cabinet member, I believe.
—- one example behind the scenes
"Report: Biden Quit After Dems Threatened to Invoke 25th Amendment"

"Hunter felt he [Joe Biden] was being set up and he was very concerned about his father," the source said. "These people, these officials were not on Joe's side."

Democratic Party insiders have also known for at least two years how Biden was in decline, said the source.

"When I saw him a couple of years ago, it was frightening," said the source. "He was just repeating slogans and had no idea who I was."

"It appeared former President Barack Obama played a significant role behind the scenes in Biden's decision to step aside. Obama did not question the validity of Biden's candidacy until Wednesday in a Washington Post leak. The leak immediately followed reports that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Democrat Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) told the president to step aside."

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 7:04 a.m. PST

Biden reminds me of my dad, who had a similar look for several years before he died. He was still functional in many ways, but his concentration gradually declined.

I don't know what Biden has left in the tank, but he could serve out his term and be okay, I think. But no more. The turmoil of the 25th Amendment would look like a coup from the other side, IMO. Unless there was a credible medical/psych diagnosis indicating he cannot serve. Which I want Trump to have as well, the concerns for both are considerable. I do not think Trump will want to debate Harris.

As for the Dem convention, it is a party process, it has its own procedures. The Repubs have their own. If the Repubs seem to think it's a legal election, they are in a poor position to assert this with their mantra about the 2020, election, replacing their own electors, and protesting the certification on Jan 6.

I remain committed to Ike. I recall singing a campaign jingle for him walking up and down the street with my friends in 1955. He was an honorable man.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 7:15 a.m. PST

"A caravan of hundreds of migrants is heading to the U.S. border, reportedly in an effort to make it to the besieged border before the November elections — due to their concerns that former President Trump would shut it down.

The caravan, with hundreds of migrants from dozens of countries, left from Mexico's southern border and headed north on Sunday. It was the same day President Biden announced he would not seek re-election.

Allowing this to happen is an impeachable offense. It was the Biden admin that started this travesty. Being beholden to the wealthy woke progressive doners and even some in Congress. The Dems think they can flood the US with illegal aliens, many of which don't qualify for asylum, some are just here for the freebies and some are criminals with bad intent. Most of all illegal aliens don't even want to be Americans. They just want to take and take.

The fact that all the drugs that come across the border kills thousands of US citizens. Along with the rape and murder of some Americans. Sex trafficking is widespread, selling people just for body parts, child labor is going on in US businesses, etc., etc., etc.

All this is ignored by saying allowing the illegal aliens in the US is humanitarian. To take in these poor abused people. Saying America was made by immigrants. But those are legal immigrants not this invasion.

Hiding the fact that the Dems, etc. will try to get illegal aliens to vote. Hoping they will vote Dem. This is an insidious plan funded by wealthy woke progressive globalists socialists who want to turn the USA into the USSA.

Once the WH is under positive control. Shutting the border down tight. Allow ICE, CBP, etc. to do their jobs. Start mass deportations using USAF C-17s, etc., with military armed guards/MPs/LEOs, etc. Priority should be military age males … To do this effectively sanctuary cities/states must be made illegal. We must bring America back for Americans born here and immigrants that legally became Americans …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 7:19 a.m. PST

"Biden reminds me of my dad, who had a similar look for several years before he died. He was still functional in many ways, but his concentration gradually declined."

As he does my dad, who died as a result of dementia/Alzheimer's in February of this year. He shows every sign of being past the halfway point of the Disease.


"Operatives at the very highest levels of the Democratic Party threatened Joe Biden with forcibly removing him from office unless he stepped down, sources told The Post.

The well-orchestrated "palace coup" to stop the faltering president seeking re-election has been in place for weeks, but stubborn Biden fought against it every step of the way, a source close to the Biden family told The Post Monday.

The insider also made clear the anger, paranoia and frustration Biden displayed as the party elite circled around him and piled on the pressure."

SBminisguy23 Jul 2024 8:09 a.m. PST

But wait, there's more!

1. The USSS did NOT show up to run the event security briefing, so local LEO has no idea what the overall plan was. Oopsie, our bad.

2. USSS did NOT coordinate radio frequencies, so every organization present were on DIFFERENT frequencies! To send in an alert, local LEO had to try and radio a coordinating person who had all the Freqs on a piece of paper, and that person would then relay the message. Oopsie, our bad.

3. USSS says they did NOT record radio coms or traffic like they normally do. Oopsie, our bad.

4. USSS had originally planned to NOT send any Sniper units, changed their mind at the last minute -- AND the USSS Snipers were NOT coordinated with local LEO and other Agency units or Snipers. Oopsie, our bad.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 8:17 a.m. PST

Yes, 35th, all this happened, but there is also tremendous sympathy for Joe. And respect, at least in public. It had to be done, but I don't think there would have been a lot of uncaring, outright force to do this. And Jill would have played a role last week.

This was not a personal attack by a bunch of vultures, more like tough love. I am speculating, but that's the vibe I get. I think there is much sadness for him as a person, and commiseration, as so many people go through this. But there was no choice. Four more years was not going to work.

As for the border, this is the biggest sticking point in our disunity for me. I want it shut down while security and processing are improved and reorganized. Congress has refused for years to take this on and do the right things. I want it to work as it is supposed to. We need to shut down and fix it.

Trump was just lucky- the collapse of the countries that started the massive wave came after him. He would not be able to keep his promises unless he assumed unilateral control of everything. Does not play well with others. But he could provide a stopgap closure. How far he could go will depend on who wins the Congress.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 8:23 a.m. PST

SB+1 terrible, just a total mess, an inexcusable performance by a leaderless team who were not competent to guard the former President or anything else.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 8:41 a.m. PST


Secret Service Director Cheatle resigns after mounting pressure in wake of Trump assassination attempt

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 8:46 a.m. PST

Tort, sorry not buying it. I believe they were planning this before the debate. The debate may actually have been the method to start the rocks rolling.

It does seem that you are willing to give the President more credit and benefit of the doubt, than you are the previous POTUS. 😉

I guess that offsets me, who gives him no credit nor benefits of any doubt. 😉

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 8:51 a.m. PST

More lies and cover ups. Revealing classified information to his biographer.

"At a hearing last month, DOJ lawyers handling one Freedom of Information case told U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich that it would be highly time-consuming to process other audio files containing Biden's interviews with writer Mark Zwonitzer. The attorneys said those recordings stretched to 70 hours and reviewing audio for potential classified material is far more difficult than written material."

"However, Silverberg said in a court filing Monday night that the department "in the past few days" confirmed that Hur's office had transcripts made of a portion of Biden's discussions with Zwonitzer, which occurred as Biden worked with him on memoirs published in 2007 and 2017. Prosecutors determined that some of those conversations contained classified information, although they were barred by Justice Department policy from pursuing charges against a sitting president and said they would not have done so in any event because of the imprecision of Biden's memory and other factors.

"In the past few days…the Department located six electronic files, consisting of a total of 117 pages, that appeared to be verbatim transcripts of a small subset of the Biden-Zwonitzer audio recordings created for the SCO by a court-reporting service," Silverberg wrote in the new filing."

Subject: Feds discover transcripts of Biden chats with biographer – POLITICO


SBminisguy23 Jul 2024 10:00 a.m. PST

Trump was just lucky- the collapse of the countries that started the massive wave came after him. He would not be able to keep his promises unless he assumed unilateral control of everything. Does not play well with others.

I keep hearing that, YET -- NO new wars under Trump, the destruction of ISIS as a coherent force, multiple historic peace accords, and other successes. He also worked across the aisle with non-traditional allies to secure historic prison reforms and multi-year funding for HBCUs and to implement his economic aid to inner cities.

He was a very successful global businessman and TV celebrity whose show spawned an entire franchise of clones. Of COURSE he can play well with others, but that doesn't mean he's going to agree with YOU and your "team" or chosen polices, but he knows how to cut mutually beneficial deals.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 11:03 a.m. PST

Water under the bridge now, re Biden.

True, Trump plays well with certain others… but not in the government .. ask John Kelly, Jim Mattis, McMaster, Esper, etc.

Trump had a 92% A team staff turnover rate, the all time record, and in only one term. Per the Brookings institute.

But yes he made some good tries, the Abraham Accords were almost going to have some economic impact until Oct. 7. He tried to change the border situation, improve security there. ISIS is back on the rise, but still much diminished thanks to Trump. There were flubs too, like the Taliban, NATO. But it seemed like he dialed down some of the tension with Putin, Xi, Rocket Man. He remains as unpredictable as ever, IMO, which is sometimes a strength, sometimes a weakness.

Nine pound round23 Jul 2024 6:06 p.m. PST

No doubt we are going to get a chance to see how well the current VP works and plays with others; when I worked in DC, her staffs enjoyed a certain notoriety for that very reason.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP23 Jul 2024 8:17 p.m. PST

+1 Nine Pound – I have heard the same, and her VP staff is said to be unhappy. All smiles in public…

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 6:36 a.m. PST

Subject: Timeline: Media, White House defended Biden's fitness for office until debate debacle made it impossible | Fox News

Worth the read.

I'd argue he had these issues as far back as 2019. This only goes back as far as 2022.

But they lied to us! To our faces and denied, denied, denied! We were guilty of conspiracy and doctored evidence. This article has 2 instances where their current candidate lied to the American people twice(it was more often). Nancy and others of the party lying to us. His cabinet and mouthpiece lying to us. Lastly of course, the MSM lying to us.

Then when he had the disaster of a debate, where it could no longer be hidden or denied, these same people started to demand he stop running. Than after he "voluntarily" stopped running, now they cannot stop singing his praises. Crying on TV and claiming he is one of the greatest most selfless presidents in US history! 🤮

I will also say again: it is almost 2 weeks since the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. The murder of one Trump supporter and the serious wounding of two others. Yet, Trump supporters have not been rioting in the streets, burning cities down, protesting, killing the opposition, nor occupying the Capital rotunda(anti Israel protesters yesterday. Today could be worse).

Yet the mainstream media and opposition party portray Trump supporters as the haters and the ones prone to violence.

Lastly, they are allowing him to jeopardize all our safety, by allowing him to stay in office.


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 7:02 a.m. PST

As I said above: They say Trump supporters are the haters.
Question: people supporting the death of a candidate, are they not supposed to be investigated by the FBI? Especially when they post it on social media.

3 College Professors and another story. Just today.

Subject: Campus Reform | Rutgers prof after Trump assassination attempt: 'Let's hope today's events inspire others': EXCLUSIVE

And we wonder who is brainwashing and indoctrinating the current generations.


Subject: Campus Reform | Prof claims 'Black people' wish shooter had killed Trump to cause 'the death of evil'


Subject: 80-year-old MAGA supporter in critical condition after ATV driver apparently ran him over as he put up Trump sign | Blaze Media


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 7:50 a.m. PST

Subject: How the Bet on an 81-Year-Old Joe Biden Turned Into an Epic Miscalculation – WSJ


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 8:08 a.m. PST

Well if anything good came out of this … is she took her football and went home. Questions still come up about if she was a DEI hire. Like many under the US's current leadership.


SBminisguy24 Jul 2024 9:34 a.m. PST

But wait, there's more! The Heritage Foundation used commercial mobile ad-serve tracking (designed to send tailored ads to your phone, including proximity ads based on your location) to determine:

1. Crooks visited the Butler Farm venue at least twice before the assassination attempt
2. They were able to identify other mobile phones that visited Crooks' workplace and his home -- and one of these phones visited The Gallery Place in Washington, DC, home to several FBI units. Maybe nothing, maybe something.


YouTube link

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 10:48 a.m. PST

SB : My guess is that the FBI knows more about this than Heritage. If Heritage is suggesting that this indicates FBI conspiracy, prior knowledge, collusion, etc. it's a bit thin. But nothing will be discounted now. And sometimes there are reasons for not going public with investigation details right away. This kid had such a low profile, from what little I know, that he would not seem likely to pop up on anyone's radar before the shooting.

The degree of incompetence associated with protection for this event makes me think it was probably not a plot. Cheatle is not the only one who blew this.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 12:25 p.m. PST

From college professors, politicians, the media and individuals, and now the FBI. Why am I not surprised?

"Wray says person affiliated with FBI under investigation for ‘inappropriate' post about Trump

FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that a person affiliated with his agency is being investigated over a "totally inappropriate" post about the Trump assassination attempt.

"Have any FBI agents texted, emailed, or expressed disappointment that Trump survived the assassination attempt, or otherwise editorialized about the assassination attempt?" Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, asked Wray during the House Judiciary Committee hearing.

"I don't know about any agents. There have been at least two instances, I think, or one instance of an individual, who posted something that I consider outrageous and totally inappropriate and unacceptable. And that individual has been referred to our inspection division, which is the arm, our sort of internal affairs investigatory arm that does the disciplinary process," Wray responded. "

SBminisguy24 Jul 2024 12:33 p.m. PST

SB : My guess is that the FBI knows more about this than Heritage. If Heritage is suggesting that this indicates FBI conspiracy, prior knowledge, collusion, etc. it's a bit thin.

We don't know, do we? We do know that the FBI has lied and colluded to attack political enemies within the United States. So why are they more trustworthy than anybody else, or Heritage Foundation?

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 12:46 p.m. PST

The FBI has more access to tech on phones, I am guessing. But as I said, nothing will be discounted now. Within the organization and outside it. It's thin…for now.

SBminisguy24 Jul 2024 1:57 p.m. PST

Glad to see the Democrats are trying to lower the temperature of American politics with Harris' new campaign ad that calls Trump a "fundamental threat to American democracy…who has said he will be a Dictator on day one…we need your help to make sure that never happens."

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 4:17 p.m. PST

Even if after Trump was elected it is going to be trench warfare trying to get anything done. With the Dems and media keep getting in the way …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 4:22 p.m. PST

SB yes correct, as I've posted above in this thread. Today Jerry Nadler used the oft misquoted and out of context "bloodbath". As if Trump was talking about anything other than the bloodbath economically in the auto industry from Chinese/Mexican competition, if he is not re-elected. But is easier to scare the ill informed.

This goes along with the out of context and debunked: "fine people on both sides", which is still repeated, even recently by the president of the US.

But if you repeat things over and over, the hope is the ill informed will come to believe, especially if they rely on MSM sources. "Trump is a Nazi", Trump is a racist", Trump hates immigrants", Trump is an anti Semite" and on and on. Trump served for 4 years. There were no death camps. There were no squads sent out to hunt down homosexuals. He did not round up his opponents, have their trials in Red cities and then imprison them. He did not have his opponent brought to trial on charges of her mishandling of classified documents and Russian conspiracy hoaxes, which he could easily have done.

Those who back him are not out today defacing Washington DC, shouting anti-Semitic slurs and committing illegal acts. But those who support the other side did today and yesterday.

Yet he and his voters are the ones accused of advocating all of this.

"They always accuse you of doing what they ARE doing, or PLAN on doing."

The "bloodbath" statement in context. I live very close to the area he spoke and heard the speech uncut on local news.

"Trump, March 16: China now is building a couple of massive plants where they're going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they're going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China, if you're listening President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you're building in Mexico right now, and you think you're going to get that, you're going to not hire Americans, and you're going to sell the cars to us? No. We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that's going to be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That'll be the least of it. But they're not going to sell those cars."

Subject: Trump's 'Bloodbath' Comment –


Fine people on both sides:

"Reporter: Mr. President, are you putting what you're calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?

Trump: I am not putting anybody on a moral plane, what I'm saying is this: You had a group on one side and a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs and it was vicious and horrible and it was a horrible thing to watch, but there is another side. There was a group on this side, you can call them the left. You've just called them the left, that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that's the way it is.

Reporter: You said there was hatred and violence on both sides?

Trump: I do think there is blame — yes, I think there is blame on both sides. You look at, you look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides, and I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either. And, and, and, and if you reported it accurately, you would say.

Reporter: The neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville.

Trump: Excuse me, they didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group — excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures as you did — you had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status, are we gonna take down — excuse me — are we gonna take down statues of George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him? Okay good. Are we gonna take down the statue? Cause he was a major slaveowner. Now are we gonna take down his statue? So you know what? It's fine. You're changing history, you're changing culture, and you had people — and

I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits, and with the helmets, and the baseball bats, you got a lot of bad people in the other group too.

Reporter: I'm sorry sir, I didn't understand what you were saying, you were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly? I don't understand what you're saying.

Trump: No, no. There were people in that rally — and I looked the night before — if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I'm sure in that group there was some bad ones. The following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people. Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you wanna call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest — and very legally protest — because I don't know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didn't have a permit. So I only tell you this, there are two sides to a story. I thought what took place was a horrible moment for our country. A horrible moment. But there are two sides to the country."

Turns out he was correct about them going after Jefferson, Washington and others next.


Subject: Michael Rapaport Says He Was Wrong About Donald Trump's Charlottesville Statement | The Daily Caller


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 4:24 p.m. PST

Legion +1 but don't forget the constant appeal to the courts. Worked with delaying and stopping the wall

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 6:31 p.m. PST

Subject: Citizen Free Press on X: "Hmm, first photo is a hate crime, and the second is free speech. / X

Sadly all to true. 😔


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 7:32 p.m. PST

Great comparison pics, 35th, both are hate crimes in my book.

SB, I read Trump's remarks today. Can't agree that Harris is "stupid" or a "lunatic", whatever else she might be. "Lying Kamala Harris" seems kind of ironic. You can imagine the rest. We are not going to have a lowering of the temp, things are just cranking up.

I just watched the movie "Civil War". Not quite what I expected. Very grim. IMO.. Neither side is based on current reality, not political, mentions no party, blames no group. It's is really about a journey through the war torn landscape and the horrors such a war could inflict on America. Depressing….

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP24 Jul 2024 8:10 p.m. PST

Great comparison pics, 35th, both are hate crimes in my book.

SB, I read Trump's remarks today. Can't agree that Harris is "stupid" or a "lunatic", whatever else she might be. "Lying Kamala Harris" seems kind of ironic. You can imagine the rest. We are not going to have a lowering of the temp, things are just cranking up.

I just watched the movie "Civil War". Not quite what I expected. Very grim. Neither side is based on current reality, not political, mentions no party, blames no group. It's is really about a journey through the war torn landscape and the horrors such a war could inflict on America. Depressing….

SBminisguy24 Jul 2024 9:33 p.m. PST

SB, I read Trump's remarks today. Can't agree that Harris is "stupid" or a "lunatic", whatever else she might be. "Lying Kamala Harris" seems kind of ironic. You can imagine the rest. We are not going to have a lowering of the temp, things are just cranking up.

He was being gentle. Harris fu34ed her war into power. She has an affair with a powerful politician, Willie Brown, while he was still married. In return he gave her a political career. In addition to lavish gifts, like a new BMW, Brown appointed Kamala Harris, 30 years his junior, to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the Medical Assistance Commission.

He later used his influence to get his bedmate the position of San Francisco City Attorney, and she in turn used her position to shield several pals of Willie from corruption charges. She has always floated to the top as a party loyalist who will say and do anything in the moment to get ahead. When she ran for State AG in California she promised skeptical voters she'd be tough on crime, and to prove it when she won she initially was -- sending tens of thousands of first-time drug offenders to prison to do hard time, so many that traditionally allied minority groups criticized her she flipped and began her transition to being a social justice warrior. She has never expressed independent leadership on anything, and never had to lead anything for real -- she's always been a ladder climbing gadfly.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 5:47 a.m. PST

🤔 Stupid? Probably not. Queen of word salad..most definitely. Vin diagrams, school buses, the staged space event with child actors… and on and on.

Trump was probably responding to this from Kamala

"I took on perpetrators of all kinds," she said. "Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain."
"So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type," Ms Harris added. "In this campaign, I promise you, I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week."

He does have a bad tendency to let comments get under his skin and responds with equal abuse and name calling. it is one of the things I dislike and something they need to stop him doing. He needs to find something that will equally get under his opponent's skin and put them on the defensive.

"Her record against his"?🤔 well he was President and he actually ran a successful business.

But that aside. Here are a small portion of what you get with Harris….. All and everything she has supported in the current administration.

Below are 17 examples of Harris' far-left record:

"Co-sponsored legislation to protect illegal immigrants from deportation
Backed Bernie Sanders' Medicare for All legislation
Backed banning private health insurance
Supported giving taxpayer-funded coverage to illegal immigrants
Supported banning fracking
Backed defunding the police
Compared ICE to the KKK
Wanted to ban plastic straws
Defended banning offshore drilling
Wanted to "undo" the Trump administration's border security, taking 94 executive actions in their first 100 days to rescind nealy every Trump-era measure
Supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings
Said she wouldn't "treat" illegal aliens as "criminals"
Called for "starting [ICE] from scratch"
Argued that temporarily closing the border violated federal law
Raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a far-left organization that pays to bail out of jail violent criminals, including accused murderers and rapists.
Supported Los Angeles's cuts to their police department
Called efforts to add more police to the streets "wrongheaded thinking"

She was determined to be the "most liberal" Senator, even with Bernie Sanders there.

Subject: FACT CHECK: Was Kamala Harris Ranked The Most Liberal Senator By GovTrack? | Check Your Fact


I also found this representative of her views:

Subject: Blue city cops say Kamala Harris 'helped' killers and rapists, warn of 'disaster' if she becomes president


So if you are happy with the policies of the current administration.., but further to the left.. then by all means, vote for her.

The MSM and party will do their best to try and ignore her past and make her seem closer to the center. But I believe her past record and her "accomplishments" as VP, speak for themselves.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 6:05 a.m. PST

SB …. I believe much of what you say. I am not advocating for her. I am only saying that turning down the temp is not going to happen and Trump is the last person to do this in any case, not his way. And comparing personal histories is never going to work for him either. BTW, Harris and Brown, who had left his wife a decade before, made no secret of their relationship. This does not mean I am a fan…..there may not be enough dirt on her to overcome the dirt on Trump. Calling her dumb names is only going to make it worse for him. Go after her specifics.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 6:24 a.m. PST

" Calling her dumb names is only going to make it worse for him. Go after her specifics."

Which I just did. 😉

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 6:32 a.m. PST

So Trump backers never hit the street. But this is yesterday in Washington when Netanyahu was there.

Subject: Mario Nawfal on X: "🚨🇺🇸VANDALISM AT DC'S UNION STATION MONUMENTS Reports indicate that statues and landmarks around Washington D.C.'s Union Station, including the Liberty Bell replica, have been vandalized. / X


Subject: Protests against Israeli leader's DC visit block off Union Station on top of slew of road closures – WTOP News


Who pays for the buses?

Subject: Citizen Free Press on X: "Hamas protesters arrive via buses in Washington DC, yesterday. / X


One poor patriot tries to stop it, but is manhandled by the radicals.

Subject: Citizen Free Press on X: "Democrats chant Allahu Akbar as they burn the American flag. American mainstream media will never show these images. Everything is done to protect the Democrat party. / X


Notice is one person.

Subject: Inside Congress Live


Subject: Anti-Israel agitators burn American flags, accuse Netanyahu of being 'war criminal' as he addresses Congress | Fox News


Yes a sound bite, but at least they place the US flag back. The current Democratic candidate has yet to condemn all this.

Subject: Ryan Schmelz on X: "🚨 Speaker Johnson and a group of House Republicans led by @RepWilliams say the Pledge of Allegiance after replacing the American flags that were taken down by those protesting Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to Capitol Hill / X


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 6:34 a.m. PST

Oh…. And WE the taxpayers are paying for the cleanup!!!

Put these anti Semites out there with tooth brushes
and clean everything until they clean it up, or their fingers fall off.

As Netanyahu said of critics of the war in Gaza, they are: ‘Iran's useful idiots' in speech to Congress yesterday

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 7:58 a.m. PST

Yes 35th, I was echoing you! And agree. For those who want the country to land in the middle, she is too far left. On the other side is Project 25. Leaving me with…Ike!

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 11:21 a.m. PST

Tort I keep telling you, trump has disassociated himself from project 2025 on multiple occasions. He did again this morning on the Fox News morning show. I did print the parties campaign points earlier.

During the Fray questioning yesterday in Congress about the assassination (not an attempt, as someone was shot and killed), One of AOC's group kept making comments about "Trump's 2025 Project". First: it's not his. Second: what the H#LL does that have to do with the assassination!!

This is a Democratic talking point that is untrue. Just like Russian collusion. But they have all been told to spread it. My BIL bought it, hook line and sinker. But he believes Republicans want to kill gays too. 🙄

The group that came up with the project, I'm sure will vote for Trump, but it's not his.

I believe doing away with abortion is one of their points. He has said that he is done with abortion. It is where it should be, at the State level. It was never the federal governments area.

SBminisguy25 Jul 2024 11:35 a.m. PST

I am only saying that turning down the temp is not going to happen and Trump is the last person to do this in any case, not his way.

But Trump DID try and turn down the temperature with his speech at the RNC, and was met by howls of Hitler! Orangmanbad! Fascist! Dicator! Threat to America! Kamal continues to run ads even now that say that Trump is a "fundamental threat to American democracy…who has said he will be a Dictator on day one…we need your help to make sure that never happens."

The Democrats are the only ones who can lower the temperature on political rhetoric -- but the will not, because fear is the only thing they have left to motivate people to support them.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 11:59 a.m. PST

"The Democrats are the only ones who can lower the temperature on political rhetoric -- but the will not, because fear is the only thing they have left to motivate people to support them."

Don't underestimate "bread and circuses". Amazing what you can do, by redistributing other peoples money. 💰😉

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 12:05 p.m. PST

Subject: Democrat Lawmakers Receive Talking Points On How To Talk About Kamala Harris | OutKick

More "1984" and "Animal Farm". You know old may end up right there with Nostradamus. 😉


dogtail25 Jul 2024 12:43 p.m. PST

From a distance (no I am not Bette Midler, but I live in Europe):
Even talking about Civil War sounds like High Treason to me. To me there is no difference between a Democrat and a Republican, and no matter if you are woke or a white supremist, you are still a citizen of the USA (if you are a citizen of the USA).
…every city or house divided against itself will not stand.

All the strange talk only helps China or Russia or Iran.
So get over it and become normal again.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 1:25 p.m. PST

" So get over it and become normal again."

Dogtail: what is normal?

Is France Normal?
Is Great Britain Normal?
Is Russia Normal?
Is China Normal?
Is Israel Normal? Nigeria? Sudan? Brazil? Iran? Etc.

What defines normal and which normal should we attempt to emulate?

All these countries believe they are normal, as do their people.

If they are not normal, why not?

A Jihadist believes it's normal to cut the head off an infidel? It is Allah's will. It's not normal or right to me. But to them, it's perfectly normal.

Is a woman's "right to choose" normal? To kill a child up and into the 9th month, (some even say after the birth). Yet if you shoot her and kill the unborn child, you are guilty of murder. Some believe that is normal and some believe totally the opposite. Who's right and which is normal?

Wow! we are getting into Philosophy here. This could be a whole thread by itself 🙂

dogtail25 Jul 2024 2:38 p.m. PST

"Normal" means accepting political differences as part of a democracy. An opponent is not a foe. Listen to him.

One thing that made the US great in my view was the ability to accept different opinions as part of life.

Stop that nonsense with talking about abortion. This is the miniatures pages.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 3:00 p.m. PST

Thanks for answering

Just asking about what is defined as normal and giving examples as what can be defined as normal to one and what is normal to another. Also that particular one is appropriate, as it is one of the major differences between groups in this country. There are people whose vote is based on that subject alone. So again appropriate for this thread and discussion.

Political differences have never been accepted by each other in this country nor in others. That's why there are Civil Wars and Revolutions.

All, one more thing. We are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional representative Republic.

"While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic."

dogtail25 Jul 2024 3:23 p.m. PST

Sometimes it is not necessary to define aspects of life more accurately. Sometimes it is better to look from a distance. And get a broader view.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 3:58 p.m. PST

Some may find this interesting, as relates to FBI partisanship. Also the comments in the bottom of the article are interesting.

Subject: FBI Trump questionnaire exposes 'divisive partisan politics' at bureau, former agent says


Also one of the FBI agents wishing Trump had been successfully assassinated.

"BREAKING: Jenna Howell, the FBI staffer who posted vile messages on Facebook expressing regret that President Trump wasn't killed in an assassination attempt, has been referred to FBI internal affairs for disciplinary review, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified today"

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Jul 2024 7:09 p.m. PST

A tribute to Benny Hill 😉

Subject: DEI secret service is better with Benny Hill music. – CITIZEN FREE PRESS


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2024 6:43 a.m. PST

Sorry 35th, can't buy this without evidence. The "contractor" could just as easily been an outside right wing operative looking to push the politicized FBI narrative.

That would be my first line of thought, having been subjected to thousands of government memos, which this sounds nothing like. No government administrator I ever knew would approve this type of questionnaire. If there was a problem that could not be resolved internally, it might go to the Assistant Inspector General.

And the source for this news report, a former agent, never even saw the document…third hand testimony, she is a paid Fox employee. If you don't have the questionnaire and can't name a first hand witness, go get them first.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2024 7:11 a.m. PST

Tort, I guess it comes down to, if you trust the current "Washington DC" area FBI, or not. They in the last 12 years, have given me no reason to trust or believe what they say. They have been very partisan and DEI oriented. Look at the recently resigned Secret Service head and her "30% women" aim. We would be better off, firing every department head and assistant department head in the Washington DC area offices and replace them with field agents.

Also, did you hear the Secret Service refused local police drone coverage for the Trump rally where the assassination took place? Why? Yet they let the assassin fly his drone over the location.

Ps did you watch the Benny Hill oriented link above. Confused chickens with their heads cut off.

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