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"Serjeants-at-Arms for Lion Rampant" Topic

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865 hits since 16 Dec 2023
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Henry Martini16 Dec 2023 5:43 a.m. PST

I have a box of Fireforge Serjeants-at-Arms, which is just the Mounted Serjeants set with crossbows added to the weapon mix. After reading about serjeants-at-arms I realised just how exposed to danger my king is without the protection of a unit of these brave fellows, so I decided I need one.

They were always very few in number, and served as the monarch's bodyguard in various European armies. At times they also took the field alongside the rest of the army, but usually in a defensive role.

They were seemingly equally skilled with melee weapons and the crossbow, so they're much more than mere mounted crossbowmen (although I will be making a unit of those, too); definitely an elite unit.

My question is how to rate them for Lion Rampant. My thinking at this point is that I'll give them crossbows without removing their ability to countercharge and raise their courage to 3+. Their attack value would be 5+ as per the 1st edition mounted crossbows upgrade (I have 2nd edition on order) to reflect their normal defensive posture. The points value would increase to 6. Does this seem reasonable to you Lion Rampant veterans?

All this assumes of course that this unit type isn't specifically addressed in the 2nd edition book.

As regards modelling the unit, the figures will be wielding melee weapons (most likely lances or maces), with crossbows stowed (I presume they were carried on the serjeants' backs when not in use). I have enough Fireforge medieval sets to supply crossbows without attached arms for six figures. Not only will this approach serve to represent their dual combat functions, but it will also make them easily distinguishable from the mounted crossbowmen, who will be modelled using their crossbows.

ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa21 Dec 2023 9:46 a.m. PST

I have all the Rampant series and am building warbands but have yet to actually play… hopefully in the New Year. So I can't really proffer advice based on experience.

In 2nd you can make your Elite cavalry 'drilled' which removes 'wild charge'. They can also be 'motivated' which gives it a move +6 rather than +7. Don't have the option for 'mounted crossbows' that's heavy cavalry. Heavy cav aren't saddled with 'wild charge' – 'mounted crossbows' would remove 'counter-charge' as noted but you could make them 'fearsome' and /or 'bloodthirsty' for extra combat effects. Both options risk becoming point-sinks from what I can see.

There is also the holy and banners option which give some buffs to courage and glory – giving such a unit a banner seems entirely reasonable.

I've been eying Fireforge stuff myself but really don't need to add to the pile atm.

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