"Gold bust of Marcus Aurelius at Getty" Topic
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Tango01 | 14 Dec 2023 5:06 p.m. PST |
"The golden bust of Emperor Marcus Aurelius from Avenches, western Switzerland, is going on display at the Getty. It is the largest known bust of an emperor made of a precious metal and one of only a handful of gold busts to escape being melted down. This Marcus Aurelius bust is so rare and so valuable that it is usually kept in a bank vault. The Roman Museum of Avenches keeps a copy on display instead. It has only been exhibited a dozen times, and never before in the United States. The bust was discovered in 1939 in an excavation of a temple at Avenches' ancient predecessor, Aventicum. Aventicum was the capital of the Helvetii and was incorporated into the Roman Empire under Augustus in 15 B.C. It was granted colony status by Vespasian in 71/2 A.D. which spurred a major urban redevelopment of the city. A large temple complex inspired by Vespasian's Templum Pacis in Rome and dedicated to the local gods of the Helvetii and the cult of the emperor was built during this time…"
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Armand |
Shagnasty | 15 Dec 2023 10:41 a.m. PST |
Magnificent. I've seen Tut's Headpiece and the delicate oak leaves that were worn by Phillip II of Macedon and this compares nicely. Thanks for posting. |
Tango01 | 15 Dec 2023 3:29 p.m. PST |
A votre service mon cher ami… Armand |