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"Most ignorant mistake in Didley Squot's Napoleon?" Topic

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12 Dec 2024 8:27 p.m. PST
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Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP03 Jan 2024 11:56 a.m. PST

From Fred Cartwright;

"@Deadhead. I thought the 1958 Dunkirk was a pretty decent film. The B&W version starring John Mills. The military kit is very accurate even down to the 18/25pdr guns for the RA battery. Stock footage for Stuka attack, but no CGI in 1958 so forgivable."

I think that film is brilliant and probably better than the Longest Day. The attack on the RA battery is one of the best scenes in the film. But the beach packed with personnel and not empty like Nolan's film….terrific and in B&W which is how WWII was fought.

Funny though 1815 and the minor events before were all in colour we all agree

Sho Boki Sponsoring Member of TMP10 Jan 2024 3:38 p.m. PST

I watched it last night.
Costume drama "Josephine" with some not related wargame scenes with Josephines suggar daddy.

Battles really are typical wall against wall wargames with live figures ratio 1:500 and 5-20km battlelines shrinked to 100 meters.

But uniforms and some battle closeups are splendid.

Personal logo McLaddie Supporting Member of TMP12 Jan 2024 11:19 a.m. PST

Biggest Mistake if not the most ignorant, was Didley Squot not writing under a nom de plume

Gazzola12 Jan 2024 4:39 p.m. PST

Not seen it yet but it is nice to see everyone discussing a 'Napoleonic' film. LOL

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