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07 Oct 2023 6:19 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Hamsa vs Israel....again" to "Hamas vs Israel... again"

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dapeters17 Oct 2023 2:03 p.m. PST

QUATERMASS- yes, Hebrew and Arabic are both Semitic languages the come from the same root. Rightly or wrongly there is only one defiftion of Anti-Semitism in the US, to suggest otherwise is potetentailly Anti-Semitism. Anwar Sadat tried to make this same point.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP17 Oct 2023 2:34 p.m. PST

I had never heard of this group, so Iooked it up. Its Bernie Saunders, basically. And once again,it's the "Democratic" Socialists of America, 92,000 members nationally.
Saying "Democratic"matters to people. It is the actual name. It does not seem like a bunch of Mussolini or Hitler Fascists. Basically,it supports labor unions, green policies and taxes for corporations.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP17 Oct 2023 2:42 p.m. PST

I would think it would be obvious, as I have mentioned before, that a Palestinian who openly opposes and condemns Hamas in Gaza would quickly suffer a sudden and gruesome death. Would I be wrong here?

So if Hamas and Palestinian are one and the same, then Israel is up against a terrorist army of two million people?

Zephyr117 Oct 2023 2:43 p.m. PST

"The only solution is to send the whole population , which had been hosted in Israeli lands, to other Arab Muslim countries ..possibly South Arabia and Qatar(…)"

um, no Arab countries want them, and will not take them voluntarily…
(But rumors are that the US will take in 10's of thousands of "refugees"… huh?)

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP17 Oct 2023 3:47 p.m. PST

Yes nobody wants them, except a few deluded souls in our country. There has to be a reason why no one wants them, even though tens of thousands March in their support in most Muslim countries.

I personally think they should be shipped to Iran. Don't ask, just send them.

Subject: Neither Jordan nor Egypt Will Accept Refugees Fleeing Gaza


QUATERMASS17 Oct 2023 4:53 p.m. PST

Thanks for your resonance.

", to suggest otherwise is potetentailly Anti-Semitism."

I best shut up then!

Thanks for that.
You know I can't help finding this headbanger stuff amusing in a Jojo rabbit kind a way.
This bit stood out to me.

"Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out:'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him"

Who knew the rocks and the tree's were anti semitic!

I found this interesting

hamas" is also an Arabic word that means "zeal."
Although Arabic and Hebrew are sister languages, the Hebrew meaning of "chamas" is "violence," according to the Hebrew-English volume of Reuben Alcalay's Hebrew-English, English-Hebrew dictionary. "Cruelty" and "injustice"


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP17 Oct 2023 5:16 p.m. PST

Well Quatermass, there was a singing bush in "The Three Amigos". I thought since it was in Mexico it was Hispanic, but maybe it has an Islamic Tree cousin. 🤔

Subject: Three Amigos (9/12) Movie CLIP – The Singing Bush and the Invisible Swordsman (1986) HD – YouTube

YouTube link

QUATERMASS17 Oct 2023 5:21 p.m. PST

"nobody wants them"

Bet the Palestinian's liveing in british madatet palistine probably didn't want uncontrolled immigration,
probably didn't have much say in the matter.

SBminisguy17 Oct 2023 5:38 p.m. PST

It does not seem like a bunch of Mussolini or Hitler Fascists. Basically,it supports labor unions, green policies and taxes for corporations

Nah, they've rediscovered fascism and have stuck a smiley face on it while thinking they're still not, well, fascists.

Democratic Socialists of America statement of Purpose:

We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, age, religion, and national origin, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo. We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution, feminism, racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships. We are socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for achieving that vision, for building a majority movement that will make democratic socialism a reality in America. We believe that such a strategy must acknowledge the class structure of American society and that this class structure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between those sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of the population."

In contrast, dude with a mustache said:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions"

Mustache dude said a lot more like that. As did his Italian pal.

Now removed from their site, the DSA several years ago also was posting memes widely on their ideology in which they said:

"A Democratic Socialist is not a Marxist Socialist or a Communist. A Democratic Socialist is one who seeks to restrain the self-destructive excesses of capitalism and channel the Government's use of our tax money into creating opportunities for everyone.

Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically – to meet public needs, not make profits for a few.

A Democratic Socialist does not want to destroy private corporations, but does want to bring them under greater democratic control."

"Democratic control" means the State -- so you can have a private company so long as it is ultimately controlled by the State to meet "public needs" as defined by the State.

In other words, Fascism.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian17 Oct 2023 5:42 p.m. PST

Bet the Palestinian's liveing in british madatet palistine probably didn't want uncontrolled immigration,
probably didn't have much say in the matter.

Bet the Hebrews didn't want a bunch of people moving into their lands either. grin

QUATERMASS17 Oct 2023 6:32 p.m. PST

Nice retort bill!
Tell that to the Canaanites who share a genome with the modern day Lebanese..
Yeah of course i had to look that up


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP17 Oct 2023 6:47 p.m. PST

As I had said before I'd think only maybe 1/3 of Palestinians strongly support, Hamas, islamic jihad, etc. That is where they get 99% of their ranks of terrorists.

Maybe about 1/3 give tacit support but support the terrorists. Regardless they have no love for Israel.

Possibly 1/3 just want to be left alone.

Those are just estimates of course.

Bottom line IMO – some/many Palestinians support Hamas, islamic jihad, etc.

Hezbollah may be waiting to attack across the Northern Border once the IDF is decisively engaged in Gaza. We will have to wait & see.

The masses of people who hate Jews and supports Palestine seems very skewed to me. Protesting in the street, almost worldwide. I guess they drank the Kool Aid their leftist, progressive, woke, academics intellectuals served them.

Again, I find it amazing that some in Gov't strongly are anti-Israeli/Jews and don't even keep it off the floor. Again, they should be taken off all the committees they are on, etc. They were duly elected … but they are not leaders they are activists. E.g. they said the US should take about 1 million Palestinians. Well are 8 million illegal aliens crossing our Southern Border enough ? We are having a hard time taking care of these illegal aliens as it is.

What would we do with 1 million Palestinians that many don't like the USA, or may support terrorism, don't want to become Americans. Which appears to be the same with many illegal aliens that came across the Gov't dictated open border. They are just here for the freebees.

Not to mention all the criminals, drug runners, human traffickers, and over 150 on the terrorist watch list, etc.

That does not include all the got-aways.

The nations that support Hamas, islamic jihad, etc. like Iran, Turkey, etc. should take the Palestinians refugees.

Refugees are more comfortable in an environment similar from where they came.

And it seems Palestine's neighbors, brother moslems, e.g. Egypt and Jordan don't want them. Regardless of the chance of Hamas terrorists may be in the group. Again, do they have room for them indoors, can feed them, send their children to school, etc. ? Just like we see in the USA with many of the 8 million illegal aliens already here. With more coming …

The world seems leaderless ?

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP17 Oct 2023 10:37 p.m. PST

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's Son-In-Law Issues A Warning To Israel That "Pakistan's Atom Bomb Is Not Only For This Country But For All Muslims"

YouTube link


China Becoming Involved In The Israeli – Hamas War

YouTube link



Steve Wilcox18 Oct 2023 2:27 a.m. PST

In contrast, dude with a mustache said:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions"

That was Gregor Strasser, not Hitler.


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 3:59 a.m. PST

For those who trust polls 😉

I assume 26% had no idea what Israel and Palestine are. They just joined in the marches because the colors were "so bright" and "to meet the girls man".😉

Subject: InteractivePolls on X: "Quinnipiac: Voters were asked whether their sympathies lie more with the Israelis or more with the Palestinians. Israelis 61% [+20] Palestinians 13% [-17] [Change vs 2021) "This is an all-time high of voters saying their sympathies lie more with the Israelis since 2001"… / X


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 4:49 a.m. PST

Subject: NYU students rip down posters of Israeli hostages, blame it on ‘misplaced anger' – Hindustan Times


Subject: The German chancellor condemns a firebomb attack on a Berlin synagogue and vows protection for Jews – ABC News


Subject: U.S. says it thwarted drone attack on troops in Iraq | Reuters


Subject: Hundreds swarm US embassy in Beirut ahead of Biden's visit to Israel


Subject: In Photos: ‘Free Palestine' Rally in Harvard Yard | Multimedia | The Harvard Crimson


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 7:10 a.m. PST

A better breakdown of the previous poll

Subject: 10/17/23 – 85% Of Voters Concerned Israel – Hamas War Will Escalate Into A Wider War In The Middle East, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Approval For Building Border Wall With Mexico Reaches Record High | Quinnipiac University Poll


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 7:12 a.m. PST

"Speaking at a pro-Palestine rally in Peshawar, Safdar on Saturday referred to the war in Gaza and said that the women were being attacked in Palestine. He then warned: "Pakistan's atom bomb is not only for this country but for all Muslims."

Subject: 'Pakistan's nuclear weapons…': Nawaz Sharif's son-in-law warns Israel over fight against Hamas – BusinessToday


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 7:39 a.m. PST

Well, here goes….

Gregor Strasser was booted from the Nazi Party for these views you quoted, SB. Remember that Social Democrats in Nazi thinking were the November criminals, the back stabbers from WW1.

Hitler did not care anything about socialism. It was tied to his party's name as window dressing. He hated unions. Workers were bound to the Party, which was bound to him. Capitalism was fine as long as it was bound to the control of the state, serving the great struggle of nations in the fight for racial superiority.

The Nazis were about racial superiority and brute force governance. Hitler was ignorant about economics in general, he tied capitalism to his personal control, left the trappings for the businessmen. Everything was political to him and everything revolved around him. His presence was everywhere.

Turner quoted Hitler in the book German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler, "If people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism."

The rise of ethno-nationalism and nativism in the US are not connected to Nazism except for the small number of actual Nazis on the extreme right as at the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally. It's more of an American tribal thing IMO, born of fear of change, which I think we are all coping with in various ways.

Naturally nobody wants to be called a Nazi. Bill OReilly began using the words left wing Nazis years ago, which caused a lot of head-scratching and head shaking. D'Souza's book contains misquotes, like Strasser for Hitler, apparently, in making his case.

But there is a huge amount of traditional historical research and opinion that put the Nazis on the extremist far right, meeting the Stalinist fake communist totalitarianism coming around from the extreme left. All based on strongman brute force and subservience and loyalty to one individual. Not socialism or capitalism, only power and control for personal gain and glory. Surely not democracy.

In the beginning, Gestapo and the SA went door to door arresting communists, socialists, union leaders, and making them disappear. Making people disappear became the core of Nazi governance.

It makes no sense to connect Nazis to the American left or right today, except in the most extreme cases, which still represent relatively small groups who occasionally step out to exercise their first amendment rights.

And Bernie Saunders is about as far from being a Nazi as it gets in historical terms.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 8:38 a.m. PST

Tort, I'll let SB reply. But one thing the left "protesting" in this case has in common with the Nazis, is the use of the swastika and a vehement hatred of the Jews. I've seen the swastika displayed in multiple US protests. Here is a new one.

Subject: Iconic Jewish NYC deli vandalized with swastika after pro-Israel social media posts


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 8:40 a.m. PST

Monster thread on "pro Palestinian" protests worldwide

Subject: Thread by @sentdefender on Reader App – Thread Reader App


SBminisguy18 Oct 2023 8:41 a.m. PST

Gregor Strasser was booted from the Nazi Party for these views you quoted, SB

Revisionist much? My bad that I chose a quote from a founder of the Nazi party instead of a much lengthier quote from Mr. Mustache. Isn't that a difference without a distinction? And he was booted in a power play much like Trotsky had a falling out with Stalin. No difference.

Hitler did not care anything about socialism. It was tied to his party's name as window dressing. He hated unions. Workers were bound to the Party, which was bound to him. Capitalism was fine as long as it was bound to the control of the state, serving the great struggle of nations in the fight for racial superiority.

Nah, you just don't like the way he implemented Socialism.

*Both Socialist movements in Europe -- Fascists and Communists -- courted the same audiences, and they had overlapping similarities and promised the same end game. An end to Capitalism and a socially just order.

*Both German and Italian Fascism are deeply rooted in Socialism, Fascism itself being developed by committed Socialists who lost faith in Marxism as the path forward.

*He hated Unions that he did not control. That's the same thing in the USSR and in today's China -- the only Union allowed is State-controlled.

*"Capitalism was fine as long as it was bound to the control of the state" -- then it's not Capitalism, is it? IF the State controls companies, no matter what the mechanism, then there is no Free Market, there is no choice, and a company is bound to the diktats of the State. Under Communism they shot the businesspeople and managers and appointed apparatchiks to control industry and assure State control of the means of production. Under Fascism they forced the industrialists to join the Party and punish those who do not obey in order assure State control of the means of production.

The State controls the Unions. The State controls the Corporations. People are allowed to make $$ so long as doing so serves the State and the Greater Good as defined by the State. That's Corporatism, which is the core economic foundation of Fascism.

*The racial superiority thing was unique to German Fascism and was not shared by Italian or Spanish Fascism.

Communism = Socialism for the World
Fascism = Socialism for one Nation (all peoples of Italy)
Nazism = Socialism for one ethnic group only (all Germans)

But there is a huge amount of traditional historical research and opinion that put the Nazis on the extremist far right,

A huge amount of arse covering. Remember that Fascism was lauded by many Western Intellectuals and Socialists who were disillusioned with Marxism and Soviet Communism. They embraced Mussolini's "Third Way" between Capitalism and Communism, he scored Times Man of the Year several time. But when you look at the roots of it, to understand how it rose, how to spot it and how to prevent it from happening again, you see that ALL of the primary thinkers who developed Fascism, which morphed in Germany into the Nazis, were disaffected Marxists and Socialists. The core goals, philosophy of State control, the hatred of Free Market Capitalism are all Socialist in nature, and shared by Communists.

In the beginning, Gestapo and the SA went door to door arresting communists, socialists, union leaders, and making them disappear. Making people disappear became the core of Nazi governance.

Unlike the NKVD? Unlike the secret police of Castro? The Red Guards of Mao and current CCP gestapo? Unlike Pol Pot's execution squads?

It makes no sense to connect Nazis to the American left or right today, except in the most extreme cases, which still represent relatively small groups who occasionally step out to exercise their first amendment rights.

And Bernie Saunders is about as far from being a Nazi as it gets in historical terms.

I said he's a Fascist, not a Nazi. He's crossed the divide from Non-Profit Socialism (Communism) to For-Profit Socialism (Fascism) as seamlessly as the DSA has. Good 'ol Bernie has what, like four nice homes now? He's not as rich as many in Congress at our expense, but his net worth is in the millions of $$ now.

Fascism is right in our faces.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 8:57 a.m. PST

Yes, burning people alive, raping and then killing them, torture, live beheading, executions…. I'm sure they are all "exhilarating". And this man is a professor??

Stop donating to your College… if you still do. I sure did.

Subject: Cornell University professor says Hamas attack on Israel was 'exhilarating' – Hindustan Times


SBminisguy18 Oct 2023 9:00 a.m. PST

Back on topic -- a recent Washington Institute poll of Gazans says that while 62% favored not breaking the ceasefire with Israel, 57% approve of Hamas since the conflict was started by them.

Overall, 57% of Gazans express at least a somewhat positive opinion of Hamas—along with similar percentages of Palestinians in the West Bank (52%) and East Jerusalem (64%)

Seems like an obstacle to any long-term peace solutions when the majority of the civilian populace approves of mass murder, kidnapping and ethnic cleansing.


SBminisguy18 Oct 2023 9:58 a.m. PST

Gaza could have been the Hong Kong of the Levant… it has more resources than Hong Kong, also started from a position of war refugees with little infrastructure, etc. The difference is Hamas and the culture of victimhood and terrorism.

Why Couldn't Gaza Be Another Hong Kong?
I & I Editorial Board

Hong Kong, not long ago a fishing village, a "barren island" with no natural resources, became an economic powerhouse with one of the world's highest standards of living. Meanwhile, the Gaza Strip has been described as a hellhole. There's a reason the two are so different: The former chose to pursue prosperity while peacefully coexisting for a half century next to a territory-acquisitive communist regime, the latter chose to consume itself with hatred toward its neighbor.


Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 10:24 a.m. PST

What Hamas wanted has now happened. A hospital in Gaza bombed with high loss of civilian life. Immediately Hamas blamed it on Israel, although the evidence now shows a Hamas rocket hitting it. However, all the Muslim countries are now outraged and blaming it on Israel. Here we go. I do not see anyway this turns out with an Israeli victory. Hamas has got them trapped. Israel does nothing and goes for a cease fire and Hamas wins. Israel keeps fighting and invades Gaza and Hamas wins by uniting the Muslim Middle East against Israel. How long will the West continue to support Israel if this all happens? Israel is screwed.

SBminisguy18 Oct 2023 10:34 a.m. PST

Shouldn't be surprising that Hamas caused on-side deaths. Just like their ally Hezbollah (also am Iranian proxy). It looks like a Hezbollah rocket factory is the cause of the massive Beirut explosion that devastated the city's port area. Hezbollah has used its considerable influence, $$ and violence to prevent any meaningful investigation into their role while blaming Israel and everyone else for their actions.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 11:14 a.m. PST

I am not able to agree with your version of this topic, SB. Nothing more to say….

SBminisguy18 Oct 2023 11:51 a.m. PST

I am not able to agree with your version of this topic, SB. Nothing more to say….

No worries. I held the same view as you did on Fascism being "right wing" until one of my university courses made me re-examine. We were studying the rise of the great dictators -- Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini. The professor led us through an examination of Stalin's rise to power, then Mussolini's rise to power right after.

Mussolini, as it turns out, was a fervent believer in The Socialist International until WW1. Mussolini, the founder of Fascism, was born and raised into a family of committed Socialists and was very active as a Marxist in his youth.

He was a committed Socialist and a leader of the International in Italy. He was the editor of "Avanti!," Italy's leading Socialist/Progressive newspaper. He hated Capitalism and Liberal Democracy as obstacles to The Revolution. However, he was discouraged at the progress of Socialism in Italy and became disillusioned with the International (Socialist movement), since if it were true, then the workers of the world would have been united by class and not fought WW1. Instead, German socialists fought for Germany, and British socialists for Britain, etc.

He also saw during WW1 that in the trenches there was no class distinction. Rich, poor, educated and ignorant were all equal in the mud -- they were reduced to being Italians serving the State, first and foremost. That's the vision he had for Socialism in Italy, all Italians serving the State.

He felt there needed to be an *Italian* Socialism for Italians, that the International movement would not work in Italy, and indeed had already failed as proven by WW1.

So he created a *national* Socialist movement he called "Fascism" -- named after the baton of power wielded by an ancient Roman field general or consul, the Fasces. This was a rod fashioned of small sticks, bound together to be strong -- representing the different interests of Rome working as one.

Fascism's "sticks" were comprised of Socialist groups and Labor Unions. The controlling core economic principle was Corporatism -- the control of the economy and thus the nation via control over industrial leaders and the Unions. Rather than seize corporations and run them from the State, as in Communism, Fascism controlled industry by co-opting and forcing industrial leaders to bend to the will of the Socialist State and become part of the ruling party structure. The working class was led and controlled by the State through the State-approved Unions. So under Corporatism, companies and labor Unions become part of the State's power apparatus -- those Unions and companies that did not bend to the will of the State were crushed.

Property was also allowed so long as it didn't conflict with the needs of the State, and the Individual was subordinate to the needs of the State -- true freedom, according to Mussolini, came from surrender of the Individual to the State. So, I asked my professor --Mussolini was a Socialist, embraced Socialism, saw Capitalism as the Enemy and created a State controlled society with the Individual subordinate to the needs of the State. How does that make him "Right Wing?"

Why, Nationalism, of course, he said.

However, I said, we'd just studied Stalin and the rise of the Communists to power, and they resorted to heavy ethnic and nationalist appeals in their propaganda wars. So why is it different in Italy?

Why, because it's Fascism!

He had a closed loop argument, he got very angry that he couldn't explain why Italian Nationalism in the service of a Socialist movement was different from Russian Nationalism in the service of a Socialist movement -- it just was, so stop being stupid, he told me! After that my professor would take opportunities in class to harangue me, slight me and tried to embarrass me in front of my peers to silence me. Wow. That was an eye opener.

Red Pill, anyone?

Fascism and Communism are two sides of the same coin, they are both Statist, Socialist systems. That Fascists and Communists fought is little different from how Stalinists and Trotskyites fought for control of their movement. Fascism is also alive and well in China, and rising in popularity as a system in the West albeit under updated terminology and buzz words.

Silurian18 Oct 2023 12:02 p.m. PST

"Stop donating to your College… if you still do. I sure did."

Yeah, stop donating, and help retard the future of our country. I teach geology down in Texas, get a lot of oil workers wanting to know more or advance in their industry. The college as a whole has many mature students wanting to better their careers or wanting a second chance.
God, the ignorant generalizations.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 12:10 p.m. PST

FWIW – about 30-40% of Hamas, ilsamic jihad, etc. homemade rockets fail. They don't even make it out Gaza. Falling short and landing in Gaza. Sometimes hitting Palestinians and houses, etc.

Based on the proof the IDF put out as what happened to that hospital. Killing 400+. As soon as I heard the report, I thought it could have been either the IAF ordinance malfunctioned or one of Hamas kitbashed backyard rockets fail to even make it beyond Gaza.

The IDF Signal Intelligence listens to almost every communication that goes on by Hamas, Gaza, etc. They recorded the commo between 2 Hamas/islamic jihad terrorists had. That clearly stated one of their rockets failed and landed on that hospital.

Israeli was taking incoming rockets fired from Gaza. At the same time the hospital was hit. You can see the time stamp, etc. in that footage.

The IDF has drones in the air all over Gaza. For surveillance day and night. One of the drones' footage picked up this failed missile falling, etc.

Gaza is so tightly packed with structures and people in and around those buildings. It is very easy for a malfunctioning rocket to fall on something.

So, the terrorists had no choice but to blame it on the IDF. To take advantage of this tragedy to continue to make the IDF the bad guys, etc.

Many worldwide are not accepting the facts on this malfunctioning of a homemade rocket. As it does not fit their narrative, agenda, etc.

This may be a long war …

Again, IMO the weak poor leadership coming out of the US does not have the right stuff. Starting with the A'stan debacle, that showed clearly to our enemies' that the US does not have strong capable leadership. Inspired Putin's invasion of the Ukraine. As well Hamas crossing into Israel committing crimes against humanity.

SBminisguy18 Oct 2023 12:56 p.m. PST

So, the terrorists had no choice but to blame it on the IDF. To take advantage of this tragedy to continue to make the IDF the bad guys, etc.

Like Hezbollah did when its rocket factory blew up in the largest conventional explosion in history, cratering Beirut's harbor. Nobody will ever really be held accountable for that either given many Lebanese officials were on the take to look the other way and don't want the truth to get out, and Hezbollah has threatened and attacked everyone trying to do an independent investigation.

SBminisguy18 Oct 2023 1:07 p.m. PST

IDF just released security cam and dashcam footage, and captured phone cam footage of Hamas einsatztruppen massacring people. Horrific and heartbreaking, anyone who praises this is sick to the core of their soul.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 1:24 p.m. PST

"Yeah, stop donating, and help retard the future of our country. I teach geology down in Texas, get a lot of oil workers wanting to know more or advance in their industry. The college as a whole has many mature students wanting to better their careers or wanting a second chance.
God, the ignorant generalizations."

From most of what I have seen and heard in the streets during this conflict. From listening to interviews on TV. From the riots in Portland and elsewhere previously. I am not impressed with either the intelligence or products leaving many of these institutions.

Yes there are still good and intelligent kids coming out, but too many are indoctrinated. By stopping the contributions to these institutions, maybe they will be forced to change.

But I only recommend it, not forcing anyone not to. Again my opinion.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 2:16 p.m. PST

Almost all the MSM parroted the Hamas claims about the Gaza Hospital immediately. Not only the MSM, but prominent politicians all over the world. Sadly this of course was an attempt to show equivalency, between Hamas and the IDF. They can't have Hamas be the only bad guy. Now no matter what, the damage is done in the Muslim world and for those hate Israel.

It looks to be a defective Hamas rocket. Also the main damage I see, is to a parking lot. Little to buildings. If hundreds were killed, what was stored there?

This is a good up to date evaluation.

Subject: Who is to blame for Gaza hospital bomb – we scrutinise the evidence | The Independent


The following are early MSM blame of IDF, some of the damage, politicians using the Hamas talking points and footage of the rockets and Hamas talk.

Subject: At least 500 killed in Gaza City hospital explosion, Hamas and Israel exchange blame | PBS NewsHour


Subject: EXCLUSIVE: Non-Public Israeli Satellite Video of the Intact Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza after Rocket Hits Parking Lot – NOT the Hospital (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


Subject: Report: NYT Twice Alters 'Israeli Strike Kills Hundreds in Hospital' Headline


Subject: World Leaders Incite Riots Against U.S., Israel by Spreading Hamas Lies on Hospital


Subject: Dr. Eli David on X: "CNN when it was thought Israel attacked the hospital: "Israel accused of blasting hospital" CNN when it was confirmed terrorists' rocket caused it: "Hundreds likely dead in Gaza hospital blast", careful not to blame the terrorists 🤡 / X


Subject: Curtis Houck on X: "MSNBC, like CNN, taking the claims from Hamas and the Palestinian Health Authority without a shred of skepticism that Israel purposefully targeted a hospital for an airstrike. The liberal media doesn't believe Israel should be able to defend itself or avenge Hamas's slaughter. / X


Subject: Ram Eli Brandts on X: "Fierce exchange between @LTCPeterLerner and @BeckyCNN on @CNN regarding the Al Ahli hospital incident. #HamsisISIS / X


Subject: Amichai Stein on X: "A recording of a conversation between Hamas operatives regarding the Islamic Jihad failed rocket launch on the hospital / X


Subject: Israeli TV footage appears to show Gaza hospital blast came from Palestinian rocket | Fox News


Subject: Senator calls on House to pick speaker, immediately condemn ‘sickening' statements by Squad Democrats | Fox News


Zephyr118 Oct 2023 2:41 p.m. PST

"It looks to be a defective Hamas rocket. Also the main damage I see, is to a parking lot. Little to buildings. If hundreds were killed, what was stored there?"

Probably more rockets for the launching site… ;-)

Nine pound round18 Oct 2023 3:02 p.m. PST

Aaaaand right on schedule, as I predicted on page one:


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 3:04 p.m. PST

Zephyr1 my thoughts as well. Also if anyone was listening when this was first announced last night, Hamas said immediately 500 killed. How would they know that immediately? Lastly if you watch the rockets launch, they were very close to the hospital, again why?🤔

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 3:06 p.m. PST

Nine pound, I am sure we both are sure those millions will not end up with Hamas. 🙄

QUATERMASS18 Oct 2023 4:00 p.m. PST

Its painfully obvious what went down with that hospital Islamic jihad or hamas makes no difference.

What ever happen's on the ground this war will be won or lost on social media.

On leigon's point the USA has the 2nd largest Palestinian population outside of the middle east.
On his other point about
The world seeming leaderless
I Wonder who's qualified?

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 5:28 p.m. PST

<qWhat ever happen's on the ground this war will be won or lost on social media.> Propaganda Wars … we see how effective the islamic anti-Jewish propaganda is. The streets worldwide are on fire, with riots, protests, etc. in support of the Palestinians. Many of which are not Hamas but and in turn support Hamas. They carry posters showing the Israels killed by Hamas, etc.

On leigon's point the USA has the 2nd largest Palestinian population outside of the middle east.

Yes NYC has a large Jewish population 2d to Israel.

Florida is 2d behind NYC of Jewish people in the USA.

I think it is similar in other overseas countries, E.g. IIRC the US has more Irish than Ireland. OK with me ! I like red-haired green-eyed women !

I Wonder who's qualified?
Good point … from how I see it, there is no one. But as we see weak leadership only emboldens the predators.

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 5:34 p.m. PST

No, that $100 USD million not end up in the hands of Hamas! The Biden administration will make sure it is given to the government of Gaza. Which is…Oh yeah, right.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 5:35 p.m. PST

Ah, the big question…. It cannot be answered here, I think without touching off a war between the wings formerly known as left and right.

Nine pound round18 Oct 2023 5:39 p.m. PST

It used to be that we actually won the war before we started shoveling money at our foes.

QUATERMASS18 Oct 2023 6:02 p.m. PST

I was referring to Muslim Palestinian's,kinda agreeing with you. the US has the 8th largest population worldwide Egypt being 7th; Jordan has by far the lageist by a million and a bit.
Personally I'd be happy for Palestinians to settle hear in the UK but I'm a "surrender to the blender" kind a guy to clear I don't judge people who don't feel the same way.
Being half Irish I to like red headed green eyed girl's I just don't like getting on the wrong side of them, a Celtic woman's scorn should be classed as WMD.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 6:24 p.m. PST

I got ya, no problem. I just wish the Palestinians could live alongside Israel without trying to kill people. They don't have to be BFFs, just stop killing each other. E.g. like Egypt and Jordan are with Israel. They will probably never be best buddies, but they ani't going to war with each other … again …

Iran, Hamas, islamic terrorists, etc., have to get it the Arabs and Israelis have fought 4 major wars, starting in '48. And a number of smaller conflicts along the way. The Israelis ani't going nowhere …

I don't judge people either if they think differently than I do. But as I am seeing currently in the USA. If you disagree with some people today you are a pariah, an idiot, a moron, racist, etc.

Oh yes, red headed green eyed women can be a force of nature !

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP18 Oct 2023 8:30 p.m. PST

35th, I wonder if those defacing that deli weren't the Charlottesville extremist types doing their usual anti semitic thing as they have for years. Regardless of some of the revisionist conversation here, I just don't see the left using Nazi symbols. I cannot recall this happening elsewhere.

SBminisguy18 Oct 2023 8:45 p.m. PST

Regardless of some of the revisionist conversation here, I just don't see the left using Nazi symbols.

LOL, sorry Tort, the Nazi Fascists were leftist Socialists. So were the Italian Fascists and so on. Just because they don't fly a Nazi banner doesn't mean they aren't Fascistic, nor does it mean they have the same extreme xenophobic racial views. Though -- the current Left is incredibly obsessed with race and racial purity, aren't they? I've showed you the DSA's own words from a few years back before they papered over with more trendy trans/LGBTQ/CRT stuff. Their own words show them to be fascistic, despite their continued use of Marxist rhetoric. Perhaps we have to call this Neo-Fascism, the blend of Fascist social/economic policies combined with Marxist rhetoric and moral positioning.

They don't have to be BFFs, just stop killing each other. E.g. like Egypt and Jordan are with Israel. They will probably never be best buddies, but they ani't going to war with each other … again …

Note that NO Arab State wants to take in Palestinians from Gaza. Not Jordan since the Palestinians staged a coup, tried to kill the King and take over. Not Lebanon where the Palestinians invaded and started a brutal civil war. Not Egypt where not only is Hamas allied with the Muslim Brotherhood, but Palestinian terrorists attacked multiple Egyptian tourism resorts and locations.

I suggest that Iran and Quatar have the prime responsibility for accepting Palestinian refugees given their role in stoking and promoting the violence.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP19 Oct 2023 5:19 a.m. PST

"I wonder if those defacing that deli weren't the Charlottesville extremist types doing their usual anti semitic thing as they have for years. Regardless of some of the revisionist conversation here, I just don't see the left using Nazi symbols. I cannot recall this happening elsewhere."

You can see, it was defaced after their voicing support for Israel. Tort I have seen these Marchers displaying swastikas. Some directly to the cameras. We have imported many Jewish hating Muslims from all over the world. Not only Muslims but many of our own brainwashed and indoctrinated youth as well. I believe many of the swastikas blamed on right wing radicals in the past, was really those who have an inbred hate of Israel and Jews that we have freely brought in. I also believe many have no real love for our country either.

This is not revisionist, it's what I see on TV, in interviews and read on websites all over the world.

Did you see Rashida Talib, leading the invasion of the Capital yesterday and still blaming Israel for the hospital bombing, even after the evidence that it was Hamas. Her fake tears for dead Palestinian babies, when she refused to condemn the murder of Israeli babies only days earlier.

FYI the protests in our country are getting larger.

Subject: Iconic NYC Jewish deli vandalized with swastika after voicing support for Israel


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP19 Oct 2023 5:25 a.m. PST


Subject: Harvard students hold 'die-in' and massive protests in SUPPORT of Palestine just 12 days after letter sparked outrage


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