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"3D files, paper minis, and PDF rules" Topic

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761 hits since 30 Aug 2023
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The Nigerian Lead Minister30 Aug 2023 4:38 p.m. PST

3D files, paper minis, and PDF rules. That's what is dominating the front page. Anyone make any actual miniatures this month? Maybe even print an actual physical rulebook? Me, I have no 3D printer, I don't do paper figures, and I've sworn off PDFs for a while.

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian30 Aug 2023 6:46 p.m. PST

You'll like tomorrow morning's news item. grin

martin goddard Sponsoring Member of TMP30 Aug 2023 11:44 p.m. PST

A very valid obseration David.

I presume that paper miniatures are easier and quicker to design?
This might also be true of 3D models where they are derivative of an existing product?

Your note should generate a whole swathe of ripostes.



Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian31 Aug 2023 4:07 a.m. PST

I presume that paper miniatures are easier and quicker to design?

Easier and quicker to get to the game table, too. There must be a market for them, as more and more are being produced. Would love to hear more from those using them.

This might also be true of 3D models where they are derivative of an existing product?

Practically free to produce, if the models are derived from the files used to generate the original physical products. That seems to be what Modiphius is doing, for instance. But in other cases, we're seeing entirely new ranges.

PDF rules

Again, so much easier to publish a PDF than to print a physical book. Or to publish a PDF version of a physical book.

Yesterday's ruleset published in a wargaming magazine is today's ruleset published online…

whitejamest31 Aug 2023 6:57 a.m. PST

Paper is just another medium for the hobby. And as with every other medium, quality and sophistication vary a lot from one maker to the next. There are definite advantages in cost of course, especially with anything where you can download a file and print your own copies. But I also just enjoy paper kits in their own right. They can be fun projects.

Take War Artisan's ship kits for example: ( They're a lot of fun, and can produce great results.

Another source I love: Dave Graffam Models: Really great quality graphics with a lot of customizability.

There are people with a lot of artistic skill and technical knowhow producing really interesting products in paper. I'm really glad they're doing it.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP31 Aug 2023 7:02 a.m. PST

We're living through a slow rolling Revolution.

I see miniature companies switching from casting to 3D printing. This reduces up front costs for new ranges (no molds, your only cost is time); allows you to sell one model in various sizes 15/20/25/28mm etc; makes figure mods a breeze….

I'll be closing Scale Creep Miniatures at some point in part because I want to retire, in part because a tiny market will start to shrink even further as more and more gamers go 3D printing…

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP31 Aug 2023 7:15 a.m. PST

I find the idea of 3D printing quite off-putting because I want someone else to do the work of casting. Yes, metal rather than plastic/resin is the goal. Enough venting as i won't live long enough to se the these Revolutions be completed.

Personal logo aegiscg47 Supporting Member of TMP31 Aug 2023 8:16 a.m. PST

Paper minis are a no-go in my group, but I could see where some gamers would like them, mainly to get figs (any kind of figs) to the table as fast as possible. One recent trend in the hobby, whether it is sci-f, fantasy, skirmish, etc., type gaming, is the need to play something new as quickly as possible. There's no more planning out a project, painting for a period of time, assembling terrain, etc. It's rip the shrink wrap off the starter set, assemble the models at the table,, and start playing!

PDF rules are definitely growing in number, but many are only good as a source of ideas. Most have not been thoroughly play tested and will get little traction in the gaming community.

3D printing, as with many things, is a curse and a blessing! One guy in our group has been able to produce some amazing buildings, but as with many gamers, painting them is the issue! I feel that many gamers have stacks of 3D printed stuff, which just replaced their piles of lead which were never going to get painted. Also, a lot of the 3D printed figs that litter Ebay and other sites aren't very good, or are at best clones of originals. That's not saying that there aren't very good models out there, but many aren't worth printing and/or painting.

Personal logo Grelber Supporting Member of TMP31 Aug 2023 9:42 a.m. PST

I think different things are jockeying for position.

In my own case, I like my metal figures, but I do have some special figures, like a sniper team, or an unusual field piece, that have been 3d printed, since they aren't available in metal. Paper has its place, for trying out rules and periods. Patrick Wilson made some lovely paper buildings years ago. I wasn't entirely happy using them as free-standing buildings, but they make great coverings for foam core board frames. POF rules also have their place. I have a hard copy of Pig Wars safely tucked away, and use pdf copies I've printed for actual games.

Feeling a bit old and behind the times just now

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP31 Aug 2023 10:51 a.m. PST


You must drop into TVAG (the site you effectively created!) sometime again!

We still offer all manner of 15mm/28mm cardstock buildings, all designed to be backed/based with foam core for superior appearance and permanence. And there's a line of 54mm buildings, as well, for skirmish/1:1 gamers.

To see the list of ranges offered, follow this link and scroll down the Navigation Bar to "Buildings & Other Card Model PDF's."

Still crazy after all these years….


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