Aurochs  | 24 Aug 2023 2:19 a.m. PST |
Watching Ahsoka I ask myself how many bullets can a Jedi reflect with his light saber? What if his opponent uses a submachine gun? Or is there a law which limits the number of bullets someone is allowed to fire at a Jedi? |
robert piepenbrink  | 24 Aug 2023 4:06 a.m. PST |
For historical miniatures, that sort of question would have an answer. For TV SF, it's "as many as the plot requires." He can reflect a stream in one episode which might result in an injury in the next. If it's a gaming question, I'd say single-shot weapons fired by one person are automatically deflected. Multiple firers or automatic weapons require a saving throw based on the level of the Jedi, but a single die cast per round--no attempt to track each bullet/impulse. But see whatever rules you're using. |
Editor in Chief Bill  | 24 Aug 2023 4:43 a.m. PST |
Arjuna | 24 Aug 2023 4:53 a.m. PST |
as many as the plot requires Came here to say something similar, but thought it would be too snappy. But now that the ground is prepared… As a rule of thumb, the number of (laser/plasma/quantum/magic/chewing gum) -bullets per second, that any Jedi can deflect/reflect/inflect with his lightsaber, is, according to the assumptions made by the screenwriter and marketing of the suspension of disbelieve of the audience, inversely related to intelligence, life experience and science education of the audience on the one hand and superlinear related to the popularity and importance of the Jedi character in the franchise on the other. The upper bound is probably given by a borderline moronic three-year-old and his beloved shiny manga-eyed Jedi knight with tentacles tied behind his back, deflecting/reflecting/inflecting bullets with a light saber in his mouth, defeating a whole imperial planetary battle group on his own. Stormtroopers dying by the dozen from ricochets of their own guns as a cheap bonus joke. |
Parzival  | 24 Aug 2023 6:32 a.m. PST |
None. The superheated plasma of the energy blade vaporizes the bullets on contact. (Ask a geeky question, get a geeky answer.) |
mjkerner | 24 Aug 2023 8:10 a.m. PST |
Gus: Industrial Light & Magic. |
Tgerritsen  | 24 Aug 2023 10:07 a.m. PST |
The correct answer is, of course, as many, or as few, as the plot requires. |
Parzival  | 24 Aug 2023 11:28 a.m. PST |
When you're done answering the OP, you can explain how a light saber can cut through a steel hatch without exhausting its D-cell batteries, and how a bare human hand can hold it. Zero-point energy source which produces a tuned electromagnetic field that contains all the energy of the plasma blade (including heat) within a semi-permeable force field (which is why the blades can actually resist against another blade and knock aside plasma bolts from a blaster— it's not the plasma blade causing the resistance, it's the field which encapsulates it which does so.) Now, is that canon? No idea. It's just a plausible scientific rationale. Or, you know, because The Force does it.  |
Callsign 21 | 25 Aug 2023 5:33 p.m. PST |
Also, can tbey only decflect if in LOS of the shooter? What about indirect SFMG fire from defilade a km away? |
Disco Joe | 25 Aug 2023 5:57 p.m. PST |
All of them. All he or she needs to do is to use their mind to control the mind of the person with the gun. |
robert piepenbrink  | 26 Aug 2023 9:49 a.m. PST |
The hilt of a Jedi's lightsaber is nearly pure narativium. It will not harm the wielder unless required to do so by the plot. Not that I didn't enjoy the initial trilogy, but at its best the Star Wars series is 1950's space opera, if not a decade or so earlier. Just enjoy the story. Taking the science seriously will only lead to pain. |
Martin Rapier | 26 Aug 2023 11:34 p.m. PST |
The D20 based Jedi combat system using an n the older Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic game series has algorithms for this. You can also develop your skills in bullet/bolt deflection. If you get good enough, you can deflect them without a Lightsaber using just the Force alone, but Tbh, that is a bit pointless unless you are doing a Jedi gunslinger build. I never bothered to count exactly how many, but at low levels, Jedi can certainly be shot,but at high levels they are largely immune to gunfire, you need to use gas or area effect weapons. |
The H Man | 28 Aug 2023 5:14 p.m. PST |
Do they have bullets in Star wars? Always looks live laser pulses to me. If you used bullets, they would have saved a lot of money on the chap painting them. I believe the same chap did the Starship troopers training lasers. Also they could have had the light sabers as regular swords and saved even more. All that money could have paid a sand person to actually wave their stick several times for real. Or allowed for actual people to take the jobs away from cardboard standings. Or bought R2 some pointless rocks. Or paid for a subtitle…wait a minute, scratch that one. Or bought that guy in the bar some shiny boots. Or paid for C3po to be card accurate. Or Leia to be figurine accurate. So on. |
olicana | 29 Aug 2023 7:39 a.m. PST |
The only thing I know about Star Wars blaster fire is that the original sound was made by a bloke, out in the desert, hitting a thick stabilising wire (think guy rope), holding up a transmission tower (pylon), with a hammer. The original sound of the light sabre was made by waving one speaker in front of another speaker to create feedback. Put the two together and a deflection seems like the obvious result, to me. |
The H Man | 11 Sep 2023 5:01 p.m. PST |
I think simple physics may come into it. In "real" situation, a Jedi is still only able to move so fast, they are not Superman. So a spray of bullets would still be able to hit them. In that case, maybe 3-10. However, what does the question mean? Does it mean how many in any circumstance until the lightsaber dies? There I have no clue. Unless they hit the handle, then maybe one or two. |