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"mid-republican romans 15mm" Topic

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1,583 hits since 23 Jul 2023
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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battle master24 Jul 2023 11:19 a.m. PST

Going to start a mid-republican roman army in 15mm and I am tempted by the Forged in Battle figures. As they come in 24 figure packs I was going to supplement them with Essex minis. The Essex triarii, Principes and Hastati look like they are in similar poses to the forged in battle figures but does anyone know whether they would look ok mixed in together? Thanks in advance

The Last Conformist24 Jul 2023 10:04 p.m. PST

I don't have the FiB Republicans at hand, but comparing some Essex Republican legionaries to FiB Gauls, the latter are slightly taller and chunkier.

I think they'd look fine mixed, the difference is small enough it'd look more like a naturalistic variation in height rather than the unit being half Dutch, half pygmies.

I seem to recall though that the FiB triarii are exceptionally tall even within the range, so maybe avoid mixing those?

Erzherzog Johann26 Jul 2023 1:49 a.m. PST

The biggest issue would not be figure height but shield height and sculpting style. You'd want your Roman shields to look pretty close to the same across your army I would think.

Swampster26 Jul 2023 6:43 a.m. PST

I have no Essex Republican Romans The Essex Gaul I have is much smaller than the FiB figures but the Essex Late Romans are a decent match. As the Erzherzog says, if your shields are pretty consistent then they should look fine. Going by the photos, the shield proportion and even the sculpting style look okay to mix.

Regarding the FiB triarii, they are fine compared to the others. Main gripe with the range is the musicians and standard bearers in skins – I think the little evidence around is that they didn't have them this early.

battle master27 Jul 2023 3:57 a.m. PST

thanks guys for your input. I was going to have 1 Essex figure on each base. Seems like the proportions of the figures are good to go and will mix. I think the poses are similar as well. Even shield may not be a problem if we tell ourselves that shields would not be all identical in the era as they were not manufactured but hand-made. (I assume)

The Last Conformist27 Jul 2023 5:36 a.m. PST

I think I was confusing the FiB triarii with some other range, because I was recalling them as kneeling, but the ones on the FiB webshop aren't.

phil bagnall27 Jul 2023 12:53 p.m. PST

The large kneeling triarii were from the Warmodelling range which used to be available in the UK but now I think only from Spain. They are lovely figures with v large scuta and nearly as tall as the standing Freikorps hastati and principes making the bulk of my MRR army, but too good not to use.

BillyNM28 Jul 2023 9:40 p.m. PST

Have you also considered the Xyston range?

Personal logo oldbob Supporting Member of TMP13 Aug 2023 4:09 p.m. PST

look at "the plastic soldier company" before you buy, they have mid republican romans complete range in 15mm that are "3d" printed. beautiful figures, under Cromarty Forge.

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