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"18th century rules recommendations from Caliver Books store" Topic

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Doolanshire25 Jun 2023 3:45 a.m. PST


I'm planning on ordering Bloody Big Battles from Caliver Books, and to save on the shipping I was thinking of getting one or two 18th century rule sets in the same order.

I use MDF Kriegsspiel blocks (custom made) on printed maps rather than miniatures, which restricts my options somewhat, mostly because I'd rather get something in which each base / stand is a complete unit – a company, a wing, a battalion… That way I can keep making my custom pieces with the correct labels. I also make exchange blocks for reduced frontages (3/4 and 1/2) so casualty tracking or smaller units are not too much of a problem.

So far I have tried to great success:
- Flint and Steel: perfectly compatible scale with minor changes and fantastic source material.
- Loose Files and American Scramble: works well at one 3/4 piece = 1 company. Working on upscaling it a bit so I can use the 12.5mm blocks instead.
- Polemos Ruse de Guerre: one stand per battalion or wing there so again perfectly compatible.

Currently I'm looking at:
- Volley & Bayonet: seems flexible, versatile and popular.
- Warfare in the Age of Reason: I like the idea of having campaign and siege rules, but I'm not sure what each stand represents? I think I read somewhere it's around 150 men wide in close formation, which would make it compatible with Kriegsspiel half-battalion pieces.
- British Grenadier: they seem popular, although I've read the Deluxe Edition is incomplete (missing some important rules) and I haven't been able to find the errata file anywhere.

Which of those three would you recommend in their current state and why?

Thanks a lot for your time!

charles popp25 Jun 2023 1:28 p.m. PST

Brit Gen is nice but you need average dice and units move funny
WitAoR is nice simple and a decent game all around
V&B is simplest game of all the listed

Cavcmdr26 Jun 2023 5:38 a.m. PST

King of the Battlefield, if he has a copy.

Travellera27 Jun 2023 6:41 a.m. PST

I hope you receive what you order. I did not…

Doolanshire29 Jun 2023 10:03 a.m. PST

Thanks for the suggestions! I think I'll go for Warfare in the Age of Reason. V&B seems somewhat more versatile but I doubt it does a great job at every date it covers.

I didn't know about King of the Battlefield. It's not available pretty much anywhere, but I found the forum for it and apparently they're preparing a new edition.

Sorry you didn't receive your order, Travellera! I only ordered once from Caliver Books (a book rather than a game) and it arrived more or less promptly, but that was two or three years ago.

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