"Numbers on Panzergrenadier Support Vehicles" Topic
4 Posts
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Artilleryman | 10 Jun 2023 9:16 a.m. PST |
I am building a armoured Panzergrenadier company for Normandy 1944 (based on 2 Pz Div). Regarding the numbering of the vehicles, the coy HQ and the grenadier platoons are quite straight forward. However, I am trying to work out the numbers that would have appeared on the halftracks carrying the HMGs, the 8cm mortars and the 'Stummels'. Were they numbered as part of the 4th 'heavy' company of the battalion or as part of a 4th platoon organic to each grenadier company? I cannot find anything definitive so would appreciate some pointers. |
VonBlucher | 10 Jun 2023 5:47 p.m. PST |
This is for SS 3 battalion Regiments, but the 4th platoon of each armoured Company consisted of 1-251 HDQ, 2 -251's for the 4 HMG, 2- 251/2, & 2-251/9, these would be for each of the 9th, 10th, & 11th, companies. The 12th Company would be one mortar platoon 1 – 251 HDQ with 3 sections of 2 -251/2 plus observers, Armoured Cannon Platoon with 3 sections of 2-251/9, Armoured Anti-Tank Platoon with 1-251 HDQ with 3 sections of 1-251 pulling a Pak 40. The numbering would change later as some regiments went to 2 battalions. this is how I built an SS armoured Panzer grenadier Company in 15mm |
Artilleryman | 11 Jun 2023 2:24 a.m. PST |
So, assuming the usual company/platoon/vehicle numbering, what would appear on the side of these 'specialist' vehicles? |
Captain Pete | 19 Sep 2023 7:00 a.m. PST |
I would be interested to know what the typical numbering on these vehicles would be as well. If this was the 4th platoon in the company then I would imagine that the second digit in the 3 digit number would be 4. Does anyone know how the individual vehicles were numbered? MGs 1,2 Mortars 3,4, Close Support 5,6? Since I also have some 6mm halftracks in the works, I too am curious. Thanks |