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dantheman24 Mar 2023 2:45 p.m. PST

Played Pike and Shotte last night with Pavia scenario in rulebook. My group wants to play again but I know little about the period. Anyone have successful scenarios thy played that they are willing to share?

Wargamorium24 Mar 2023 2:51 p.m. PST

Donald Featherstone's book – Wargaming Pike and Shot – is very good if you can still find a copy.

Also check Alternative Armies website

and finally

The Perfect Captain via their Facebook page. link

Should get you started.

Martyn K24 Mar 2023 8:44 p.m. PST

I have run Garigliano, Ariotta (Novara), Ravenna and Bicocca. I am also planning to run Pavia in 2025 for the 500th Anniversary.

I post details of these games on my blog at:

Hopefully you can find something that helps you on the blog.
I also discuss some rule changes to Pike and Shotte that I use for the Italian Wars.

dantheman25 Mar 2023 8:58 a.m. PST

Thanks. The links you provided and the links in your blogs gave some good leads.

Is Vol 1 Supplement to DBR which gives Italian Wars Scenarios good for adapting games to the period?

HillervonGaertringen Sponsoring Member of TMP29 Mar 2023 10:59 p.m. PST

watch this space, before Christmas hoepfully

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