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"MfA Live Show with Battlefront - 22 March 2023" Topic

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809 hits since 23 Mar 2023
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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3ADFAVet24 Mar 2023 9:47 a.m. PST

I think this is really worth a look. Information on the upcoming Berlin: Germans releases plus a variety of other information straight from the people who run Battlefront about their Vietnam, Team Yankee, and Great War versions of FoW. Really a wide-ranging conversation. I was impressed at how open they were on a variety of subjects. There's some discussion of the next version of the rules at around the 1-hour mark you'll want to see.

YouTube link

Col Piron25 Mar 2023 5:32 a.m. PST

Can't see FLGS being happy about a lot of the German Blerin stuff , being direct order from BF only . frown

Frothers Did It And Ran Away25 Mar 2023 4:05 p.m. PST

A very interesting discussion to be sure. Very pleased that the winter german figs will be returning and the other direct order metals.

The discussion about the next version of the rules is that, essentially, there's no plans to do so, and if anything does appear it'll basically be Lessons from the Front style tweaks and a long way down the line.

No 3 yearly GW style planned obsolesence.

Col Piron26 Mar 2023 9:08 a.m. PST

The discussion about the next version of the rules is that, essentially, there's no plans to do so, and if anything does appear it'll basically be Lessons from the Front style tweaks and a long way down the line.

Once sales start to slow ( like they did with V3 ) BF will find another way to invent the wheel again .

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